voddie baucham cultural marxism

Couple of things. And then now for the last five years, weve been living in Zambia and it has really made me appreciate America from a historical perspective and from a practical perspective, just what we have and what were called to steward and how precious and how precarious it is. There is brokenness here that has to be addressed. You know, the man keeping us down. What if youre not white, not male, not heterosexual, and not cisgendered So now you are a black, trans-male, lesbian Anyway (*laughter from audience*), now there are four intersections of oppression, right? Pastor Voddie Baucham is a phenomenal leader and I have been wanting to have him on the program for months and months. with David Barton, Tim Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. A weekly brief of our new teaching resources. They literally believe that. I am not an advocate of intersectionality. Oppression is real. And I think its sad that there are people who are actually arguing that those of us who have been part of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel have somehow made a statement that we dont believe that racism is real of that racism is a sin. Swords, shields, mighty men of valor you need all that. The men of Judah, bearing shield and spear, were 6,800 armed troops of the Simeonites, mighty men of valor for war; 7,100 of the Levites; 4,600 prince Jehoiada of the house of Aaron and with him 3,700; Zadok, a young man mighty in valor, and 22 commanders from his own fathers house; Of the Benjaminites (the kinsmen of Saul), 3,000 , of whom the majority to that point kept their allegiance to the house of Saul; Of the Ephraimites, 20,800 mighty men of valor, famous men in their fathers house; Of the half tribe of Manasseh, 18,000 who were expressly named to come and make David king; Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; 200 chiefs and all their kinsmen under their command. We apologize in advance. So, its completely inconsistent with Christianity. The cultural hegemony for example in our society is white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born, Americans. Nearly a decade and a half now Ive been addressing this issue. There was a picture of Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr and John F. Kennedy. Three main ideas. Its important because this is an agenda, not just an idea. He introduced a couple of terms that arent in other videos on Marxism in this blog: hegemony and intersectionality. What is my goal here? The term intersectionality is another dimension of this minority status. {22:21} Couple of things. The lady said after the interview was over yeah well have to have you back and I knew at that moment that I would never be back on that persons show again. Epoch Times Commentary, The Cost of Standing for Christ sheeplywolves, Christophobia: War Against Christianity Persecution/Martyrdom of Christians Today Peter Hammond. And part of that, all of a sudden, as a pastor, I begin to realize it, its my responsibility to disciple my people to be good citizens, but also to disciple the people around me who were serving in political offices. Podcast description: "Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. ), Satan; Slanderer; Devil; Liar; Serpent; Dragon, Ex-Catholic Exposes the TWISTED Teachings of the Catholic Church | Mike Gendron, Can the CBDC Be Stopped? He believed that he was witnessing the rise, and would see eventually the fall, of the Capitalist Stage. And thats when I began to sort of my mind began to open up to this idea that people serving in politics, its not like theres the church and theres the gospel and theres Jesus and what he does in our lives and then theres over there, theres politics, which is something different. In recent years we have a growing concern about social justice. What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. on Cultural Marxism; Explained by Dr. Voddie Baucham, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Progressive Govt. It meant, you know, heres how you think critically and biblically about not only your role, what your very understanding of what it means to be a representative, what it means to be in the government, you know, so on and so forth. A REAL understanding of what is happening.. By the way, this idea of cultural hegemony explains something. He came to the United States fleeing the Nazis in Eastern Europe, fleeing the Nazis in Hungary, and he wrote a book called Americas Thirty Years War. And essentially his thesis was this: he ran away from what was happening in Europe by force only to come to the United States and watch it happen gradually over the course of a generation. In all honesty, Im in a unique position. And then all of a sudden, I came of age and I had an opportunity to begin to participate in voting. So even though there are people who will say certain things about me when I address certain of these issues, I can things that a lot of other people cant. There are things at stake here that are of the utmost priority and significance. Their understanding of the world and the way the world works is that power dynamics are the way the world works. Why? I had looked on YouTube for one but didnt find it. (Free Videos and MP3s) Scroll down on landing pages. One is guy by the name of Antonio Gramsci. Its especially ironic when some of these people have seen virtually nothing in the way of real oppression have the audacity to say such things. People address the issue of social justice, some topic comes up, one person says its a social justice issue, the other person calls them a Cultural Marxist, and then they turn around and call the person a racist, and thats about all the debate that you get. However, as this is transcribed from a live talk show, words and sentence structure were not altered to fit grammatical, written norms in order to preserve the integrity of the actual dialogue between the speakers. There are only a few in the world. Theres a couple of resources on this. Voddie Baucham Cultural Marxism, BLM and the Social Justice Movement. / Socialism / Communism, The Christian response to cultural Marxism, Man-Centered spirituality (modern false gospel, etc. Hatred is real, and its sinful. Yours in the Lord, jm Report R Richard T Well-Known Member Mar 25, 2018 1,241 825 57 Wyoming 45,382.00 Country United States Faith Non-Denom Marital Status Single Jun 4, 2020 #2 So people werent necessarily associating and interacting with each other like they had been in the past, but were receiving information through things like newspapers and radios and so on and so forth. In recent years we have a growing concern about social justice. What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. These are real issues. We sure appreciate you listening today. Why do we talk like that? Thank you Wallbuiders! What does it look like to disciple nations? And for them part of it was the fact that people were receiving so much information through mass media. We will get Voddie Bauchams answer to that in just a moment when we returned a WallBuilders Live. %PDF-1.4 Its an ideological revolution. He holds an Oxford Ph.D. and is currently the dean of the School of Divinity at African Christian University in Zambia. Anyway, but lets talk about the whole Marxist thing and this critical theory and all these things that are now seeping into American culture, not seeping, theyre being poured into American culture and how thats tearing us apart right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFHfa0s1XLMBy What Standard? {12:15} Racism is real and its sin. And so, by default, it is inconsistent with Christianity, because it is inherently atheist. Im also not here to state that all of the ideas with which I disagree in the current debate are Marxist because thats not fair as well. I didnt grow up with my father, but I knew my father. We cant live like this. No, this person is ahead with red headed, left handed white people from the south, while this person is getting the vote of second generation migrant workers with eczema. The police who policed my neighborhood were from the famous or infamous, depending on who youre asking, Rampart Division. And so thats my decision here; my decision here is to give that. Air Date: 08/13/2020. So, theres fertile soil there that youre sowing into these five years, youre literally planting seeds for a generation Zambia to have the same foundational truths that our founders in America put when they put a declaration in place and said our rights come from our Creator and not from government, that basic idea, and then having a biblical worldview where youre literally using Gods commands and making disciples that will follow those commands and not separate government or family or work from what they believe. {3:47} Currently, in this discussion, in this debate, and I even hesitate to call it a debate (and Ill talk more about that as the weekend goes on). For more resources on these topics, you can visit www.founders.org. Theres so many questions I would love to ask you. There are far too many educational opportunities, too many educational resources in this country, for so many people to have so poor an education. Transcription will be released shortly. Lets go to the Book. He introduced a couple of terms that aren't in other videos on Marxism in this blog: hegemony and intersectionality. We know that Marx was a communist who wanted to see capitalism overthrown. Jeremiah Wright was an overt Marxist He was not just a Cultural Marxist, he was also a classical Marxist. And its important that we understand the words that we use. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. Glad you find it helpful too. And then theres another group, the Frankfurt School and theyre called the Frankfurt School because they were in Frankfurt, Germany first. And we look at everyones issues, problems, whatever, in relation to the system and what the system is doing, has done, needs to do. Heres the great irony. 970K views 3 years ago Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. But I dont believe that everyone who is an advocate of those things is necessarily a Marxist, and I think we have to be careful about that that were dealing with brothers and sisters here. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. Amen, somebody. During the American Revolution, colonists fought to throw off the British hegemony. x\8rSU\evvvs%Q%HFZ~Lo, Ti#6&b:Ld&@ DaD`?_>!YUAqyeaO/9^*TDyp0`Q]lP-\afe*BYXX$N2RL; And the other thing is, people think, well, Christianity, its a Western religion, its a white religion. And if we dont understand the difference between Classical Marxism, this economic system, and Cultural Marxism, which is very different than this in its approach, then if you just hear the word its like how can you say that, how can you suggest that? Because women are not seen as part of the cultural hegemony. I just hate, you know, black power, black nationalism. But there are others who dont hold to the ideology who unfortunately have decided to use the terminology and thats the problem. Its amazing and quite disappointing to me how little people tend to know about our system of government and how little they tend to know about how it works and about what it costs and what it requires. But I mean, thats a huge reason. Left unconfronted, it will transform our country. It was kind of right here, you know. The idea that a culture must be weakened first before the revolution can take place. There are too many people whove been killed by police officers. Members of my family who are part of the nation of Islam. Number one, he believed that history had really three stages or epochs: 1) The Ancient Stage, 2) The Futile Stage, and 3) The Capitalist Stage. And the Marxist in the 19th century were really sort of discouraged about this 19th and 20th century, were really discouraged about this. 45(O[O'(;.5V_{/R He also addresses appropriate Christian responses to this phenomenon. Weve been doing biblical worldview and philosophy, but now theyre working on actual campaigning and how to apply this stuff out there in the real world and make a difference in the culture. 2 yr. ago Panentheist, Post-Christian It's not even just a boogeyman it's a phrase that was used by the nazis. As a part of that conversation and I got to tell you, I am just giddy about todays program. One-Room Schoolhouse. It is a great new series WallBuilders is putting out where you literally get a tour of the WallBuilders library as Tim Barton and Jonathan Ritchie bring history to life. We imprison more of our population than like any two, three countries in the world. {49:42} Why is this important? And I think 88 now is the first time that I get to think about participating. i0b; CBq[7`zt=E\`{Q0+j-) XtC&\Xo4yeA(T=i`og9ihX Marx missed this part, or so Gramsci would argue. As his newsletter below indicates, he is facing a serious medical trial. Transcription will be released shortly. Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. Now, instead of a preacher, youve become a politician because the only way to fix that one is to change the hegemony. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." Not that there is a God who is all powerful, but that there is always a group of individuals who have power and other groups of individuals who are oppressed by them because they dont have power. And so, one of the things that we did in our church in Houston was we prayed. Gather the family around, watch the One-Room Schoolhouse and learn some great history. Well thats hard, yall. He is causing a stir, because he is coming out against the narrative of social justice comparing it to cultural Marxism. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:05:44 Cultural Marxism Voddie Baucham. You see, so I try and get them to sort of see and understand that it is the gospel, it is the penetration of the gospel and these ideals that come from the Gospel that bear that fruit. It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior of the rest of society. 1 Chronicles chapter 12 beginning in verse 23, These are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him, according to the word of the Lord. So David, the man after Gods own heart, is about to inherit the kingdom; hes about to become king and there are men who came with him because if youre going to be king, if youre going to govern Gods people, if youre going to lead Gods people, there are some things that you need. So, they got a letter from us months before that we prayed for them. Voddie actually did the charge for our Patriot Academy years ago. But what I really want to do is I really want to give us time to interact as much as we can, especially on this format. Thats the great irony here is that there are issues that need to be dealt with, that we need to press in on, that we need to press each other on, but this has been declared ground where were not allowed to fight because merely deciding to debate and argue these issues disqualifies you. They saw a couple of things that for them explained why the revolution didnt happen. Blogged about it intently, intensely, in 2007 during the election because of what I saw as the incredible threat of Barack Obama who was a massive Cultural Marxist, and, in my opinion, then and now a dangerous man on a number of fronts and for a number of reasons. And so we end up just sort of not addressing the issues, not debating the issues. White, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born American people. No. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. So, what we did was every week, we would pray for our leaders. And so, its amazing to help people understand those two things. Well because were not dealing with economics; were dealing with culture. The hegemony the Cultural hegemony for example in our society is white, male,,! World works Marxist in the world works didnt happen are others who hold! To this phenomenon will get Voddie Bauchams answer to that in just a moment when we returned WallBuilders... 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