player's option: skills & powers pdf

The chance of success is 1-4 '16. The pipesthemselves are eas-chance of success. . These points can be spent to customize a half-orc from the* Common, elf, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, and general skill list below, or they can be used to purchasethe subrace's skill package. .136Weapon Master . This further reinforces the idea thatcharacters with low scores are not as capable as their corn DMs who wish to grant characters with high abilityrades with higher scores. c. Hide in natural settings: Thecreature can hide in natural settings, Hobgoblin K."'11just as a thief can hide in shadows. . or adiacent to rivers, lakes, and seas. There is a section on how to deal with game-breaking characters for the DM, which I like. They pmfer a good,hard day's work 14-15 Thoughsometimes cansidereddour or tadturn, few doubt the 16-17 +1 b r v e ~ c'ourage or bravery. Second, the player assigns the base score to one of the subability scores; Leon assigns his roll of 13 to his character's Strength/Stamina score. Allmagical items used by a gnome-that are not specially Infiavision, 120' Stealthsuited to his class-have a 20% chance (on 1dlOO roll) to Melee combat bonus*malfunction. TheyCharacter point cost: 40 +can be within 5.Sylvan elves, or wood elves as they also are known,descended from the same stock as other elves. Mountain Dwarf Racial Penalties Like hill dwarves, mountain dwarves are not accustomedHill Dwarves to traveling over water. They are covered with Bugbears are the largest variety of goblinkind, standing mangy brown or reddish-brown fur, with bestial muzzles andabout seven feet tall with muscular frames. The paladin can restoretwohit points per his experience level. . . i P is the creatures bonus hit points at first level. However, they are comfortableCharacter point cost: 40 around rivers and small lakes. No 4 Exiled matter the character's profession, his business venture 5 Failed business venture failed and he had to pursue another line of work-as an 6 Fell in love adventurer. Suggested NWPs:child. Depending on the number of decide to arm wrestle to see who gets the first choice ofpoints in each subability score, the character can make treasure. For example, a 9th level fighter would have an 18% Magic Resistancescore , Pa1adinchance to move silently like

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