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Ashbound barbarians of the Path of the StormHowever, all respect the Great Druid Oalian and Herald and Path of the Totem Warrior dashinghis oasis grove, the Greenheart, as a safe haven into battle alongside Ashbound druids.for druids of all paths. Cavaliers of the Valenar are The criminal background is a good startthe finest cavalry in Khorvaire. Itthe lay before your kind. A Blade in the Light of the Forge should Other Traditionsalways be watching for hidden threats or huntingfor demons, monstrosities, undead, or fiends. Are you a champion, maintaining a squalid lifestyle.the first great success of this program, or aflawed and terrible secret the house is trying to 2 You maintain an unusual and highlyhide? Meanwhile, the spells of a cleric are need to consider at some point in their journey. and some may be missing entirely ( I got a large number of "URL . Select Start download . For many, thiswarrior, the patron of anyone who pits strength discipline is used only to entertain but theand skill against another. MORGRAVE MISCELLANY A Curriculum for Aspiring Adventurers C redits Lead Designers: Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg Additional Design: Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Derek Nekritz Rules Development: Ruty Rutenberg Story Development: Keith Baker Lead Editor: Ruty Rutenberg Editor: Keith Baker Additional Editing: Nicole Hunsicker, Derek Nekritz Art Director: Its not pretty, but it works. How can you walk through the naturalOalian has been teaching initiates and mediating world with your allies without smashing it?disputes for many thousands of years. They firmly believe inattack the holdings of dragonmarked houses and survival of the fittest, sometimes testing thoserelease bound elementals in their service. Our courses will tell you all that you need to know. It should provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices whether hardware or software. As an action, youif its armor or a +1 bonus to attack and damage can assume command of a number of undeadrolls if its a weapon. While raging, you canhere is an obvious choice for a character who push your body and mind, each time sacrificingrelies on powerful bursts of adrenaline. House Phiarlan considers thisindustry, but the Demesne of Shape teaches house a dark mirror of its former glory. If your DM uses this rule during When creating a backstory, identify why other character creation, you can exchange the characters will want to keep you around. Its students also create the espionage, while also retaining their focus onresources the house requires for its entertainers, entertainment. College of Keys FeatureslJoucsatlyteasvteerrdnhaeyfrl,irwItiasnaygwowfaictyohuoaursndeg.oobra.rSdhaet a got Bard Level Feature 3rd Bonus Proficiency, Key Change, Timbre Illuminous 6th Cypheric Ostinato 14th Master Keynote Bonus Proficiency When you join the College of Keys at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with thieves tools, if you dont already have it. The Children of Winter embraceone of these sects, but there are many other this reality as the harshest of truths. On the other hand,MUS1103: Endomusicology you could be an outsider hoping to earn a place within one of these citadels of art.To survive on the road, a trouper must be clever,charismatic, and versatile above all. Immediately after, you take damage equal to the number rolled minus your proficiency bonus, and you cant reduce this damage by any other means. If youand decadent? With a new focus on the lineage pursue any college they desire, but Blades, Keys,wrought from that terrible day, a new line of and Whispers are the most prevalent. As your vestments gather Clerics rarely feel the need to prove the truthover the pew, join us for an enlightening of their beliefs. Way of The Argent Fist Primal Champion. Its not just that you have you dont believe theres a divine plan or greatpragmatic doubts or made a mistake once upon purpose, you can still bring your own justice toa time, its that the things youve seen or done the streets.have made you bitter, cynical, or pessimistic.In the past, your faith might have produced The War Machinemiraculous victories but that really might havebeen just steel and muscle. As thewant to maintain a balance between the two. No matter the path, the Resurgent focus terrorists, but members of the Ebon Skullon directly defending the people of their once still have comrades and a home base in thebeloved nation, even at great personal cost. alive. Publisher's blurb: This book gives you the information you need to delve deeper into your Eberron story or character. These the power, or trust, of a deity. If you play an Ashbound druid, A druids choice of circle is usually related work with your DM to define the reason you areto their sect, but it isnt dictated. With that well, you can restorea total number of hit points equal to your monk Starting at 11th level, when you attempt tolevel multipled by your Wisdom modifier. You dont care much about church politics or intrigues. Druid Level FeatureThe Greatwenge Weald 2nd Student of Tradition, In the wake of the Mourning four years ago, Shape of the Arbiterthe twisted Greatwenge Embrisa emerged fromthe depths of the Shadow Marches. Though the rivalries within your adventures advance that goal.the sect can range from harmless pranks tomalicious obstruction, this behavior is expected, Other Druidic Traditionsunderstood, and never fatal. A bold crypt raider might takeis a simple choice for this, but the Path of the the criminal background, reflecting a knack forTotem Warrior or the Path of the Storm Herald dealing with traps and useful contacts when itcan easily represent specialized design. You hear the Sovereigns voice in battle and are The Fulcrum isnt a religious order, but its always searching for worthy foes. d8 Civilization From a philosophical perspective, a druid 1 is a threat to the natural world andis an envoy of nature with a connection to the you fight to keep it at bay. It was basically a passion project that, while it involved Keith Baker and is thereby basically canon, it IS unofficial content. Dol Azur is more commonly known bonus is doubled for any ability check you make as the Mockery, a member of the Dark Six that uses either of those proficiencies. You three instrument proficiencies provided might start off in deep water, hunted by angry by the bard class for a single tool or kit victims or struggling to maintain a long con. Does the possibility exist that a such a higher purposemodern Church of the Silver Flame, while might not? As a bonus with extraordinary vigilance. Here youll find a collection of our finest courses and lectures, filled with miscellaneous details that might serve you in the days ahead. The order often tempts orphans and those with & sorted pasts to join their ranks, making urchin or Jolan Hass Holan criminal ideal recruits for these monks. Whether driven by a thirst for gold, knowledge, or a love of a good challenge,War drives innovation, and over the course of a the extreme explorer is an archetypal action hero,century of conflict the Dragonmarked Houses ready to face any challenge that Eberron can offer.and the Five Nations explored many paths insearch of the perfect weapon. In effect, this is Xanathar's Guide to Eberron. Furthermore, as a Cyran soldier theres noand resources. (spare the dying or curearcane arts dabbled in by artificers or wizards. Are you constantly malefic connection. Were you exiled due to a crime you spells can prove equally useful in your workmight or might not have committed? Often a criminal or a charlatan, griftersadept. Society in the empire. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 7Barbarian Barbarian OriginWelcome to Military Application 1103, d8 Originotherwise known as Barbaric Practices. Even if no one at your table you need them. There are a number of different orc cultures in Eberron, and barbarians can be found in each of them. Stories of the victories attributed to the The Resurgent is an inspiring figure who Ebon Skull echo throughout Karrnath, and evengives the downtrodden courage and hope. In that light, theabilities of the Way of Shadow can be seen as 7 You cannot refuse a challenge.a form of specialized arcane training, and youmight still be actively working for your former 8 The master of your order has given you aagency or have you been burnt and need to forge question; you must do everything withina new life. This Demesnetruly comes from the ability to improvise a contains one of the finest libraries in Khorvaire, amagical talent to charm, lull, or simply assist repository both of general knowledge and songswith a nearly limitless reservoir of practical and stories. Bards tied to the Demesne typicallyknowledge and skill. How did they die? With a little creativity,Glidewing (Pteranodon), and Clawfoot (raptor), spells like barkskin, darkvision, meld into stone,take the place of the Bear, Eagle, and Wolf. one from each of the following levels of the table: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th. A monks increasing unarmed damageOpen Hand or the Way of Empathy (Xanathars generally reflects improved skill; but as aLost Notes). SomeTashalatora monks are rumored to channel Monks Without Disciplineki so precisely they can infuse allies with theirlifeforce to embolden their attacks or magically Just as a barbarian neednt be a savage, a monktransfer injuries to their own flesh, concentrating neednt be tied to a monastic order. Perhaps you spot a weakness and share it with an ally orBards Without Music shout advice on how to resist an attack. Orc Barbarians: Ghaashkala, Shadow Marches, and the Jhorashtar Orcs are passionate by nature, given to strong emotion and deep devotion to their friends and ideals. the number rolled to the weapons damage. Could it be that you have bone ridges alongyour fists that enhance your unarmed attacks Monastic Vowand a stronger bone density that enables youa higher threshold for taking and dishing out d8 Vowdamage? Did a rival gangValenar is a match for the elite warriors of other wipe out your former comrades? Australia's free online research portal. Of course not! Barbarians are common among darker side, there are others in the sect whothe Ashbound, drawing on the primal fury of Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 27believe that civilization must be brought to heel. Initially, this allows you to commanda single undead soldier and arm yourself forbattle from within. If civilization goes too far, anThe Ashbound excruciating summer or winter will devastate any hope of harvest to feed nature, and suchThe Ashbound believe that nature and famine will brutally restore the balance, wipingcivilization are at war, and they are the out all modern nations to start anew. discharge you for killing an enemy aristocrat, or are you celebrated for it? recognize a long tradition of priesthood? Wanna Start Reading the amazing book? Morgrave Miscellany with Ruty Rutenberg, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Derek Nekritz ( Dungeon Masters Guild, March 2019, PDF) [32] Eberron: Rising from the Last War with Jeremy Crawford and James Wyatt (Wizards of the Coast, November 2019, ISBN 9780786966899) Pick one of your weapons and use 3rd Spellcasting, Ivory Legionnairethe table below to enhance the history of your 7th Bonecraftweapon. A barbarian suited as a Berserker, you should remember torages. Youschemes or most vital details. Ive sworn to avenge them, but I knowtribes of the Demon Wastes. While druids shun such metal armaments, between the two. bard but have no reason to rely on musical training. The warriors.shamans say that when a warriors belovedmount dies, the halfling can embrace its spirit As a Talenta barbarian, you might have a livingdrawing it in and becoming an unstoppable mount; but think about the spirit that fuels your rage. To your comrades can stomach its strangethe priestess of Arawai, nature is something that ways.serves the people and her primary concern isensuring a bountiful harvest, not driving farmers 6 is fascinating and youre alwaysfrom their fields. Finally, DMs and Playersthe seedlings of a story yearning to develop will find a wealth of knowledge and etiquetteits maturity. Morgrave Miscellany is the much anticipated supplement to Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron that comes to you by way of its co-authors Keith Baker & Ruty Rutenberg who breath more life and lore into the eponymous campaign setting now released for play with the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons.This 164 page book gives you the information you need to delve deeper into your Eberron story or character. Theybackgrounds, ranging from hermit to folk hero, firmly believe that if this natural order falls outthat can work well for a protector of nature. The and the energies of Fernia, Risia and Lamanniapeople of the Five Nations are used to fighting flow through the Fulcrum monk. Download solid edge for XP 32 bit for free. Yet, but there are other paths that a bard can follow.the perceptive note the hydra casts a shadow, As with the Five Demesnes, a character couldone known to symbolize the Serpentine Table begin play with established ties or possiblewhich acts as the intelligence gathering arm of obligations to one of these traditions, and it couldHouse Phiarlan. Read Now . Master KeynoteTimbre Illuminous At 14th level, you learn how to hone pitch and rhythm to disarm all nearby mechanicalAt 3rd level, you can coax a variety of impediments. Elevated Exploration At 10th level, your enthusiasm for reaching untrod ground emboldens your ability to traverse gaps and untoward obstacles with uncanny ease. Throughout this chapterrole of monastic orders in Eberron and where the youll see many examples of character ideas thatexisting subclasses fit into the setting. of balance, Eberron will act to correct things on her own. As a master of learn from their techniques.disguise, being skilled at deception and quickwith your hands, you dont need to carry a 6 You must oppose tyranny and cruelty.weaponyou are the weapon. But there are other archetypes you use this variant, replace the Arcanethat have a narrow focus and more closely reflect Archer Lore feature with Silverbow Lore, andthe martial traditions of a particular culture. Elder Gifts The rules of Wild Shape apply with thefollowing changes. Youre a champion of your with the testaments of one or more religions, faith and use your power to protect the but it is far from a required skill. As you enter this can use this special reaction only to make anheightened state, before your concentration opportunity attack, and you cant use it on thebegins, roll the Hit Die and subtract the number same turn that you take your normal reaction.from your hit point total. When you do, until the Grim Conscriptionend of your next long rest or until you die, thearmor or weapons you create with this feature At 18th level, you prowess on the battlefield isbecome magic items, granting a +1 bonus to AC respected by legions of undead. As a bard of these heirs ofcollaborate with peers, to compare techniques, Dhakaan, a character could have been sent outand afford bookings or haven to struggling into the world to experience modern Khorvaireartists. The intuitive guidance of the Sovereignsbut dont expect these beings to physically manifest beforeheroic acts of Tira Miron founded the them. spell without using a spell slot. It includes an expansive deep dive of Khorvaire from the Demon Wastes to the coasts of the Lhazaar Principalities, and a plethora of intrigue and noir story hooks in between. You choose to gaingood standing, and receive ongoing specialized proficiency in either the History or Religiontraining directly from the source. These days, your A warforged fighter is a living weapon, literally made for battle. You are a champion of light in an endless war against Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 9darkness, and you have no time or patience for Civilized Barbariansthe luxuries or distractions of the civilized world,and the people of Khorvaire likely seem soft and As a class, the barbarian is a survivor whosenave. Many continue to serve at Fortthe alleys of cities, battling criminals and others Bones, waiting for the day that the war beginswho prey on refugees, as well as throughout again, and the ivory legions are called from thethe countryside. These teachings reflect The Dragonmarked House Phiarlan maintains a wealth of musical techniques from acrossthe Entertainers and Artisans Guild, and it has Eberron. To others, it is a quest for justice, something foughtBeginning at 10th level, when you use your in the alleys and the wilds. Marauding bandits? If you already have darkvision, itspurpose will surely emerge in time. A gifted changeling earned by devotion, but as a birthright instead.who masters these transformations to assume A character with the Mark of Handling could describe their abilities and spells as empowered30 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONeffects of an exceptionally powerful dragonmark. Thesebetween Thelanis and Eberron. Ifbarkeeps or tavern workers and hopes for an your character hails from the Reaches, is youragent to make contact. Perhaps a truly gifted The Siyal Marrain are found among the changeling druid understands the compositionValenar elves. 6th Encouraging Whispers 8th Divine Balance The Three Faces of War is a cult found 17th Sovereign Vessel among the armies of the Five Nations. A priest (sacred flame)provides spiritual guidance to a community andcongregation and they dont need magic to do 3 A divine presence guided a task thoughtthis. Actors and orators learn theircraft at this Demesne, but these techniques can The Five Demesnes of House Phiarlan havealso be useful to diplomats and spies. While they are found in the in its ranks, especially the Circle of Dreams, Horizon Walkers, and Monster Hunters.28 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONThe Greensingers Although most Wardens live on the fringes of civilization within the communities of their sect,The Greensingers believe the magic of the fey every Eldeen village has a single Warden advisorto be integral to natural, complimenting and who seeks to peacefully resolve disputes withinenhancing its majesty, and encourage close ties their village or with other communities. Sibelius 6 keygen serial number for sibelius 6 serial sibelius 6 sibelius 6 key keygen sibelius 6 sibelius 6 crack registration number sibelius 6 This one feature saves you up to half your writing time. Cantrips. Just add Morgrave Miscellany of Sanguinetti to My Favorites. martial prowess with the ability to cast spells. 6 Expose a fiendish conspiracy. Traditionally barbarians are savagechampions of primitive cultures, relying on force 8 I killed a rival in a fit of rage and have beenand fury in place of sophisticated techniques. forgotten, but its likely that they were also taught by dragons and the possibility exists that Any path that skirts the boundaries of the Fey Vvaraak taught both orc and lizardfolk. Do you respect the priests of the Five Nations or are they fools who dont understand the true nature of the divine? Centuries ago a Houses of Shadow are tied into a world ofsoldier stood alone surrounded by foes, holding espionage and intrigue, and while this orderthe hilt of a shattered sword. Not drawn from a single unit, and no true sigillary to bear, the symbol of the movementBreland: The Kings Shields is the golden Cyran crown wreathed in green flames. The book's conceit is that it is a discussion of classes available at Morgrave University in Sharn. You remain higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. A you. His recent work Inkwell Society, on & the RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command and MazeArcana. Simply attacking an evil way to bring down the cruel gods and end the tyranny of death. Urchin. throw each time it takes damage or at the end of each of its turns. Though a logical soldier background is your military rank and thebackground choice, you dont have to have been confidence that carries sway in the confidencea soldier or mercenary just because you fought of your gain, as well as the competency othersin the Last War. After the Last War, a few of the The Demesne of Shape is the least likely dragonmarked families within Phiarlan split offhome for a bard, as it focuses on the physical to form a new house with the Mark of Shadow:creative arts. Bone Knights wield thepower of necromancy and can grow armorand weapons from their own bones. The best The same skills that make a good grifter canknown and most reputable is the Korranberg produce a superlative spy. Members pay homage to the three Solemn Devotion Sovereigns of War: Dol Dorn, patron of strength and courage; Dol Arrah, the When you choose this domain at 1st level, you embodiment of strategy and honor; and Dol gain proficiency in the History and Religion skills Azur, who favors cunning and victory at any if you dont already have it. By default, the monk has a 3 You cannot lie.mystical, ascetic aspect, but you could presenta monk as a highly trained spy specializing 4 You seek to suppress all emotion andin unarmed combat techniques. My rivals kinThere are many places for such a barbarian in still seek vengeance.Eberron, some dare to redefine or reimaginetheir fury, embodying all that is barbarian but The Carrion Tribeswithout being barbaric. Your subclass features can reflectbeen taught the path by a kalashtar mentor,46 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONthis, for instance, Sweeping Cinder Strike could monk class features like Unarmored Defensebe depicted as coming from an embedded wand- as a heightened Beasthide trait or reflect thelike device. In the shadow of clandestine syndicates, one is never truly retired. SibeLIUS 5.1. As part of the same reaction, you can expend an additional use You gain a special melee and ranged spell of your Wild Shape to immediately refocus theattack option that you can use with the Attack energy you defuse to assume the shape of theaction. This consideration Most druids are swathed in tradition, usually isnt without flaw from time to time, as the well-initiated by a sect that teaches the secrets of this intentioned worshipers of a Sovereign tied toprimal magic while also charging the aspirant nature might occasionally be mistaken for foe.with specific duties. you to make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or fall under your command. When you hit a against the number of spells you can preparecreature type associated with that sect, you gain each day. Whether your bonecraft was earnedA rescued artificer might offer to enchant the through devotion to faith or your own design,bow left by a dying mentor. 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In choosing to play such a barbarian, inhuman rage.a crucial question is what has drawn you outinto the role of adventurer? Whatever your path, its an opportunity to explore the idea that you were built for this purpose, and with that in mind, what drives you now? Would you hire a seamstress to craft you a sword?What about a blacksmith for a ball gown? Flamekeep about the proper way to follow its These types of visions are best when enigmatic, path. If you discuss this path with Magebred Warrior. Or are you simply watching for any signs of unnatural influence?The Gatekeepers The founders learned the beginnings of theirThe Gatekeepers are sworn to battle aberration, primal druidic magic from Vvaraak, and anyfiends, and anything that has no place in the druids and rangers of many origins can be foundnatural world. The Barbarian Origin table can actively serve one of the dark powers, you mightprovide you with ideas. An The Fallen PaladinEldritch Knight might come from a long lineof battle mages, and might be excited to join You were once a truly devout champion of thethe line or furious their path has been chosen light, perhaps a templar of the Silver Flamealready. My husband, Rob, and I recently had to relocate for his job and we needed to make smart choices to stay within our new budget. Chapter 3 is designed toplaying a class called barbarian, does that offer a few resources and optional rules formean youre actually a manner-less brute? By contrast, the cleric serves a higher 2 can exist in harmony with the naturalpower and holds dominion over the natural world and you serve as an ambassadorworld. Seizing control of an enemy necromancer's animated legions and beating him to death with them is a very classy move. In this expected to abide by the rules of your time youve made a great discovery. When you use yourfollowing items: a shield, a club, a javelin, or 1d4 Adrenaline Rush feature to make an Intelligence,darts or blowgun needles. In addition to in the techniques of Lore and Keys. Just to clarify: The Morgrave Miscellany is NOT an official D&D product, and it's not official content. Hated Foes Creature Types Celestial and elementalShape of the Arbiter Druid Sect Plants and undead Ashbound Aberrations and fiendsAlso at 2nd level, you can use your action and Child of Winter Beasts and feyexpend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time Gatekeepers Constructs and monstrositiesto magically assume the shape of a planar being Greensingersof energy whose origin and composition are as Wardens of the Woodspure as the multiverse itself, called an arbiter. Each of thebeen harnessed to build great civilizations. You can use your action to If a creature succeeds on this saving throw, youencase yourself in a suit of segmented, bonecraft cant use this feature on it again. While some content from those sources have been set aside in favor of those that better resonated with Keith, Ruty, and the gracious fans of Eberron, the feedback gained from almost two years of toil and personal playtesting at conventions and events have been refined into the materials you see presented here.6 MORGRAVE MISCELLANYChapter 1: Classes in EberronThe initial sections of the doesnt actually have to involve fury. What is it that has given you such an Lady Dara irRael unshakeable faith in a force you cant touch? You gain proficiency inpoints, or die. Each of thesespells must be a necromancy or transmutationspell of your choice, and must be of a level forwhich you have spell slots. The order follows the Way of the FourElements, and sage, scholar, and hermit are Shadow Dancerscommon backgrounds. Professor of Galifarian History Monks of the Flayed Hand might beMA1105: Exotic Disciplines mercenaries or assassins for hire. increased damage of Martial Arts as deadly claws and teeth. The Warden of the Wood threats, such as undead and aberrationsmight see the priests of Balinor as an arrogant (Gatekeepers).outsider, a city-dweller who believes thathumanoids hold some sort of divine right over 5 is disturbing, you remain amazed thatthe planet, which is admittedly often the case. of the Ebon Skull have remained loyal to their nation. were the envy of every other major power andYears of perfecting this call to arms produced the magical capabilities they could deliver withthe Bone Knight, a fearsome warrior who stands a volley of arrows far exceeded that of any otherbetween life and death. Anradiant energy of the Flame into blade or fist. That rich baritone doesnt have to scare the plate off ya!18 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONCleric The Power of FaithFaith and Force. The typical Thurimbar rod has anyone who faces locks and traps on a regularno innate power of its own but acts as an arcane basis. This damage increases by 1d10 for Fighter Level Featureeach spell level higher than 1st, to a maximumof 4d10. In fact, the point of this idea If you do have a divine purpose, how was it is that divine gifts arent reliable, and that higherrevealed to you? Eberron is a realm where magic is a part of The College of Keyslife and one its most notable instruments isthe Thurimbar rod, a form of wand specifically Many say that it was a warden of Housedesigned to channel and enhance the musical Kundarak that first mastered the techniques ofaspects of the minor illusion cantrip. house, and as a shadow dancer, either is just as likely. Knowledge to Guide others on the saving throw against your spell save DC or under. Of them approximately a month, the spells of a deity the dying or curearcane arts in... 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