how to repair a sunbeam water cooler

> seems. Cold water tap leaks.Where can I buy a new tap? I have water all over that room and its a big mess. However, a pair of vise grips locked securely to what's left of the base of the red handle works great. Model # YL2-27CH2. She also said that my options are to call a service man to come out to determine the problem and decide as to whether it would be worthwhile to repair the unit or get a new one. Inspect the water cooler thoroughly to find the source of the leak, which may require some machine disassembly. Plug the unit back on after 20 minutes and slowly turn the thermostats back to the colder positions and then see if the hot water units begins working again. It's Easy to Repair your Water Cooler. i just joined the "broken hot water handle" club. I was curious if the other people complaining of a bad odor in their water had a frig at the bottom too. Sunbeam Water Cooler Cap Assembly Water Systems, Well Water, Pressure, Tanks, Gauges and Valves What can make your water dispenser leak Ultra Pure Water, Inc. Word of Advice TV The. Frankly, I don't think they even ship it in the first place. She holds a Master of Science in Publishing from Pace University. solution; remove the water bottle and drain the basin utilizing the hot or room temp spigits,remove the casket and the basin cap to inspect the ice formation. For such cheap money I just took the chance and ordered. Then turn the switches in the back of the cooler off. It snaps over the top of the bottle, and there is a slot with a floating ball inside. 6 Solutions. i'll try the 877 number listed above. I, too, had a problen with the hot water tap breaking. Also does anyone know if you can disable the frig and use it as storage instead. Whether it will really get problems solved (broken handles, warped parts, etc.) I was looking for a number to order parts for our water cooler. If that is the case, you should figure out what the parts are and how expensive they are. Imported by l'image home products ,montreal,canada h2n 2j2e-mail/correo ..555 chabanel st.west.suite 700 montreal quebec,canada.h2n 2j2. 1-800-786-2326 manufacture-elite classics 1-800-890-4076 star-elite/chantel corporation-1-877-383-6399. GOOD LUCK..BILL. reference: Nov 20, Nov 22, and 2-3 more above. I am going to take it back to the store and check one of the other coolers. Is out there a site where we can get the knobs for this sunbeam coller besides the number on the back of it ????? I was trying to find replacement parts for my cooled and room temp handles because my kids have learned to work them and put all 5 gallons of water on the floor. you should also use the same "bleach solution" in your bottles if you are reusing them and refilling them your self. Instead, locate the switch at the back; this will also serve as the reset switch. Lesson learned, Ozarka here i come. You can contact crystal mountain and they will tell you where a local distributor is @ 1 800 878 6422 My delivery driver gave it to me, but I'm sure you can buy them, and they can't be more than a couple dollars. Let's see if I get my order in a timely fashion! I called again Sept. 15, 2005 and was told the parts are still on back order and would arrive Sept. 27, 2005. i will be contacting them about this matter, but I do have a concern: I have registered with them by sending the registration, but the warranty card states, at the top with big letters "limited 2 year warranty", but just below it in smaller letters, it states ."1 year warranty What gives? Our cooler puked a gallon or so all over the laminate floor last night. INSIDES TO CLEAN THE PARTS AND NOW WE ARE HAVING I tried going to the place of purchase to buy a lever for it but they said I needed to contact the company to get a replacement. Please tell us what to do. US$23.90 not 25.90 as posted. opened it and found both tubes chewed(by a mouse) PUT THE WAX WHERE THE TWO PARTS TOUCH AND IT WILL WORK LIKE BUTTER. Please send this information to my email if possible reply in Spanish or French. Does anyone have information about any class actions suits or how to get a refund? We tested to find out what it is and after filtering the water through a brita it tastes much better but I'm not going to filter each cup after purchasing a dispenser. Shut off hot and fridge switches and turned off fridge thermostat. Got in touch with customer servicefinally. It was a pin hole. Please tell me where I could buy the knob. Then im gonna re-fill the tank and try it out. Sunbeam water cooler repair parts. Never had a bad taste issue A water cooler is a handy appliance to keep in your home or office. There might even be a problem with a dirty filter. Does anybody know if it is possible to get replacement tanks? Why didn't we realize then that we were buying a lemon? 11 Parts for this Model. I found your site through searching for sunbeam water dispenser parts. 1) I tried the web for the failed componet number KSD301. BTW, you can buy generic knobs at wally world for OTHER brands, ours are female, though, others male. Have tried all the suggestions listed in the blog to get cold water but to no avail. What does please be guided accordingly phrase means? Please refer to the number and give me the exact cost so that I can mail a check for the purchase. I just shut off the hot water feature the other day and it stopped. I have found that on my unit the safty catch that you have to pull up on is a PAIN IN THE ASS!!! Sam, I have the same cooler you have with the same problem. I was on hold for about half > an hour. :^(. They twist right out for replacement. WHEN THAT HAPPEN YOU WOULDN'T BUY FROM THEM WOULD YOU. Step by step as shown in the manual, I reconnected everything and haven't had a problem since. This troubleshooting process took about 4 weeks of 10 minutes here and 20 minutes there. Fortunately, a lot of these issues are relatively easy to address; however, you might want to prevent them from happening in the future. In this filter/chiller unit, there is a thermoelectric chilling module under the water tank. Plain water has become a health conscious movement that has no end in sight. Dana, Anyone want a free replacement hot water tap? It seems that there should be a soft plastic cover with a rubber opening to make it easier to replace the jug. The lady at Sunbeam said that they are checking out this Elite company, sounds like trouble!!!! Could anyone tell me what i could do in this case and if you have the manual could you please forward it to me at Of course, the warranty expred in March, but let's say it had happened before then? error in the above post. we have a sunbeam watercooler that we purchased a year and a half ago, and we are having the same problems with the taps and now the gasket is leaking,i did however find that if you unscrew the the tap,a little at a time the water will pour out, just make sure you turn it back tightly after your finished. I actually received my replacement part today. If the compressor looks like it has completely rusted over, then there is a chance you will need to get a new part. basically 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. my white knob broke and when the hot ware is on my cold ware is hot too! PS: WHAT FILTER???? If the cost of ordering a new compressor is going to be similar to the cost of replacing the entire water cooler, then you may want to replace the water cooler instead. After you have done all of this, wait another 5 hours . I have experienced many of the same problems. Just purchased Sunbeam cooler. They are cheaper than the replacement parts from elite classics, and apparently better made and will last longer. I believe I still have the manual if anyone needs help or info. We have been making some significant changes to our sutomer support center to cut down wait times. If anybody has any xtras. When purchased online. I just spoke with a Sunbeam rep. "very nice" she gave me the same # that will never answer so she said she will have a supervisor call and have that company "Elite" call me. We appologise for the problems you have been experiencing and hope that the changes we have made will help Thanks, Still don't know what to do about the funny taste though. This water tastes horrible. It should flow through a circuit, continuing to do its job for a long time. What ever! Which is why you aren't getting cold water. Some of them have easy quarter-turn handles. Before you tip your 5-gallon jug onto the water cooler, take a couple of minutes to sanitize the top of the water jug by use of some mild soap, a clean-dry rag or paper towel (not the sour dish rag or sponge). Keep buying those pieces of crap that cost $20 to produce. He said he would replace it. The red lever just broke on my 0147/0148 Sunbeam. Used the room temp spiket to replace. Well, I bought the cheapo Sunbeam model with no hot water or fridge from Home Depot. I need the knob's tap. Also, put the bottle on slowly so it doesn't "gush" back out as the bottle seats. FAILURE: I am a call center manager and he reminded me of the call peak times in all help desks. Thanks. You should also know that in 2000, Sunbeam went on a major licensing campaign to license outside companies to manufacture products using the Sunbeam name, and as you already know, this strategy has caused some good and some bad experiences consumers who have depended on the Sunbeam name for quality and good customer support after the sale. None of our local stores carry the filters anymore & so far I haven't been able to locate any online. Does anyone have any idea where I might find another or one like it? The shaft is white, and you get all three-color faucets. How can we get sunbeam to just recall and replace this junk already?!? Here's the number: 1-877-383-6399, I got one of you Sunbeam Water Coolers for christmas about a year or two ago and it is one of the best presents we have ever got in our whole life, I tell all of my friends about how great it is and a lot of my friend have bought one of thier own, so thank you so much for making such a great water cooler. the hot and cold waterhandles are the very cheapest available, shame on the manufacturer because of the price they are selling this cheap builded waterdispenser. Thank you! Only those with proper certifications are legally allowed to handle freon. I complained about such a long wait, and she said that that would be the maximum time until I receive them. As others mentioned here the water tasted like plastic or a hint of some sort of industrial oil. THANKS,GOEGRE. We don't use the hot water tap so ours > never had a problem with that. Going back to Home Depot this week. Could this be why everyone's watercooler is leaking? Refill the bottle with hot tap water and place it on the dispenser. I could no longer find a store that sold them to replace it. If that doesn't work and the spout or spigot is the problem, you'll need to replace them. Will try the bottle opener trick first and the foil and rubber band for the jug. Mine has a warped gasket, probably from the heat in the hot water compartment. Instead I get water all over if anyone knows what to do please help. 3 dispensed hot water from all three taps. Let's see if I get my order in a timely fashion! The red hot water tab handle is broken, where can I get them from? Hi there! Goods ordered from Canada have 1 rate of shipping and this does include item tracking. Very hot and cold water. InterestingI got a water cooler today, Model# YL2-16H2. Try disconnecting at the mains for 5 minutes. My sunbeam water cooler is only a year old and will not release water from the cold water spout. My mission is to help our readers solve appliance-related issues without paying through the nose for contractors or a whole new model. Pain Relief Products. hi, something i did notice the the old casket is warped. If they are not enough to fix the issue, you might want to reach out to a professional who can help you. I cut the safety off (no young kids around)so it won't break again. Regards. I think I'll put red on and see how it goes, and next time it breaks I'll put on white, painted red. Periodic sanitization of the cooler is also required and kits to do so are available from the water vendors. Get Instant Access to eBook Sunbeam Water Dispenser Replacement. I have a YLR2-5-24H2 and the hot-water tap broke. I have drilled it and inserted a brass pin, which fixed it for now. I've no idea where to get one., 1st come 1st serve. I recently took it out to use it again and I have what seems to be the infamous warped ring /casket and a slow leak from the unit. For the time being I drilled a hole through the top of the remaining lever and threaded a long thin bolt through, using a nut on both sides to secure it. Web Sunbeam Water Cooler Repair Parts. I was going to clean it with vinagar as other users have done, but if it didn't work for them then I am not going to waste my time. Thank you Learn More. I am going crazy w/o being able to use the hot water tap on my cooler. The refrigerant is typically not something you have to replace very often. INSTEAD ), then melting and leaking out between the door and the door gasket. Call Us. Even though you might be able to fix a lot of these issues by yourself, you should also reach out to a professional if you have any questions or concerns. Alas, our hot tap handle broke too. knob. It seems the broken hot water lever is the norm. I even looked on line under sunbeam couldnt find mine. My red hot water knob has broken, I noticed a lot of complaints about the knobs. Our first one just died on us. Anyone know where to get the replacement hard gasket thing? Let the Vinegar sit inside the cooler for a couple of hours. First, you should take a look at the power cord coming out of the back of the water cooler. I called Sunbeam about my button that is stuck on my YL2-27CH2. Slightly adjusting the Appliance Analysts is a trading It only has hot and cold taps and you have to push down to release the water. The metal taste cannot be from mold or not cleaning the unit. When it worked before the defects became evident I loved it, but I want one with no defects as any consumer would expect! > this Sunbeam repaired. Place the bottle back on the dispenser. I am calling a dozen 800#s to get it replaced and clean up the mess, I am still on hold now. On the very bottom of the box in small print this is the only place where you will find the words. My cooler's hot knob broke. This can go a long way toward preventing future damage. To formally get someone who can help, the best route would be to go to the following URL: There is a strange 6-7" probe-like thing lying inside the opening in the top. I was told it would take 13 weeks (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!) My knobs broke twice, I thought that my children were breaking it. I didn't find parts directly but did find this site. Or, there could be an issue with the compressor or refrigerator. Sometimes the water be room temperature and sometimes it's cold. I feel like a broken record here. The hot water dispenser broke. I just want to take care of it myself if I can. We want our parts!!! My names Craig, and I started Appliance Analysts back in 2017. sunbeam rep Maybe we need to write the company? NOW I HAVE CALLED BACK,A LOT GET NO ONE JUST MUSIC,CALL K MARK THEY SAID THEY ONLY HAVE A 90 DAY WARRANTY THAT SUNBEAM HAS TO MAKE THE WARRANTY GOOD BECAUSE THERE NAME IS ON IT.IF THEY DON'T MAKE IT GOOD I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING WITH THERE NAME,SHAME ON YOU SUNBEAM BUT I'AM ONE THAT WON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT.THEY SHOULD HAVE A RECALL. What am I talking about??? Anyway the store was great (Atlantic Superstore, a division of Loblaws) and I got my money back. If you are interested, I have all 3 in working order - I am located in the GTA I just contacted the 877 number listed on the back of the cooler, My unit is only one year old, the guy tells me that it is no longer covered under warranty. Mikey T you should not have been quoted $22.50 for a tap, the agent must have made a mistake, please try calling again. Use the process in Step 2 to drain the mixture from the dispenser and the bottle. I'm trying to locate the manual. LET ME KNOW IF IT WORKS!!! It is a good advertisement for Sunbeam products when someone comes into the house and sees it. The hot water works but the dispensing knob is broken. The thing in the neck of the cooler is nowhere sharp enough to puncture the cap on it's own. - I totally agree with what you're saying. I have had a Sunbeam (YLR2-5-87H3)water cooler for 3 years.My only complaint would be the cheaply designed plastic faucets, especially the goofy red hot side that snaps off with little effort.I swapped out the never used center faucet (white) with the red faucet..problem solved. I purchase my Sunbeam water cooler from Fry's and they have no support with this unit either. I was on hold for about 10 minutes (so you have to be a little patient) but so far everything seemed legit. and finally it is the best to put it in the garbage because it is bad constructed. Better than thinking our water cooler had it in for us. Any recent success stories. Follow these quick tips and make sure every cent spent on heating is worth it. It works OK now. strong enough to prevent water coming out when you turn turn the bottle over bottles that I filled each week at store dispensers due to the horrible state of potable water in southern Nevada. We've brought one more home against all logic. So for those of you who have a problem with leaks, you might want to check that there is nothing loose within your cooler. my system is the ylr2587h3. Sunbeam Products Inc. YLR2-5-87H3 and once again nothing happened. > floor. 0 Solutions. Especially with a new baby in the house.Some of us felt sick beacuse of it.Called Sunbeam who said that they had no complaints. I hope we all are successful in getting the darn knobs! The first time we called the 877 # we waited on hold for literally hours and never did get through to anyone, when we called back and finally got through we were told the handles were on back order and they should be in around Jan 2, and to call back then to order. We have a sunbeam water cooler and the cold water has a weird taste and no one will drink the water. I definitely will NOT buy another Sunbeam Product. Other than these 2 incidents we have been very pleased with our cooler. Hot water knob broke off.. sound familiar? Dear Sirs, Their phone number is 800 890-4076. Andrea Jasperson I last talked with Nicholas about some needed parts. They are unreliable. I have: complete hot water canister assembly, red and blue spigots, outer cabinet, top funnel assembly (casket? Water dispenser tab/lever broke with first use. My cooler Hot water knob brocke. LUBE THE ONES THAT ARE LEFT AND HOPE YOU CAN GET SOME FROM THE CULLIGAN MAN. Then when the bottle is installed, the "plastic prong" that sticks up inside the water cooler pushes the ball down, allowing the water to flow again. AMAZING. I've held for Sunbeam customer service for twenty minutes only to have a recording finally tell me that they closed five minutes ago, 5:30, AND 'THANKS' FOR CALLING. When I called elite classics they told me the part has been on back order since July and they have no idea when they will come in. #. It works well enough for now. Having the water cooler in or not in direct sunlight is a huge Can someone suggest a solution? Ok I just fixed my problem with my water cooler not dispensing water. I have the same unit with a broken cold water knob, just a few minutes ago the unit blew up with a bright flash and instantly blew a slow blow 15amp fuze. Which contains more carcinogens luncheon meats or grilled meats? I don't believe leaking is going to be a problem. and is very stiff and hard to operate. You can buy cleaning kits at Water Depot, or just use a strong solution of baking soda and water. I think we'll take it back and replace it with the slightly more expensive Pur cooler. My Refrigerator's Digital Temperature Controls Won't Work, How to Unlock the Keypad on a KitchenAid Superba, My Kenmore Side-by-Side Freezer Is Leaking Water, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Lifestyle, All Rights Reserved. Thank you. The blue cold water tap broke and I replaced it with the red spare. Then, we took it upon ourselves to put together a comprehensive guide you can follow to figure out how to get your water cooler working again. I'll let you know what happens. Once you've sanded, wipe the area to remove any dust or residue. Crowder also has experience as a technical writer of construction project specifications and computer software user manuals. When you do turn it back on, be sure to turn the back switches on as well. Aprx once a month. SET TO 2 AND SO ON. Unplug If you have a leaking bottle, all you have to do is remove it, empty it and dispose of it before installing a new one on the cooler. Thinking of getting rid of the machine. Well, I didn't get to speak to Natasha but I did speak to a young man, after about a 45 minute wait, who tried to be helpful but apparently the replacement knobs are still, if you can beleive it, on backorder. So, I searched hard on the internet for another non-toll-free number for Prestige Home Comfort and finally found one 514-383-4720. Sale. to get rid of the bad smelly taste of the bottled water, you must clean your system periodically. They all failed pretty quickly so there was no problem getting a replacement. there is a plastic taste to the water. This is the most sanitary and safest method of repairing your water cooler if the above steps have not corrected the problem. But not complaining (since there really is no one to complain to!!). Mold should not occur if the device is in a kitchen type environment. The hot water unit was staying on, and overheating the top of the water cooler. My Sunbeam water cooler taps snaped off where can I get replacemants? A rubber hose connects the heater to the basket. Then remove the large water bottle that sits atop the dispenser. poke a small hole in the saran wrap with the tip of a knife. They would not even put my name on a back-order list. Called the 877 numbersure, bring it back to Home Depot. 1. Gone through three of these already. I went to a local bottled water distributor and they sold me the white, threaded plastic female tap that screws directly into the metal threads on the cooler. Costs too much. Like everyone else when you call the 800# you get put on hold for ever-n-aday just to keep getting the reccording repeat it self. Anyway recently the red hot water tap or handle if you like broke and we need a new one. Unfortunately I am electricaly challenged and wouldn't know what I was looking at even if I took the silly thing apart. Show all Sunbeam Bread Maker manuals. Each time we call we are on hold for at least 15 minutes. We have also updated our inventory systems and are now fully stocked in all replacement parts. Any help would be appreciated. Your best bet is to get rid of the water cooler and buy one with Tomlinson water spigots. Soon after purchase the hot water spiket broke. The problem was an air lock in the piece of pipe that goes to the nozzle. I called Sunbeam customer support (1-877-383-6399). But switching with the middle tap bought us some time but be careful there is no safety latch. I oedered a replacement knob on ebay a while back (Nov 25) I recieved it about 2 weeks later. I am willing to sell the rest as parts. It stopped the leak, but now I have no room temp water. Place a 4 inch square of tin foil over the mouth and use a rubber band to secure it TIGHTLY. WOW ---WHAT SERVICE. I have read through all of the comments above and was a little afraid to call the company (both numbers seem to go to the same place (1-800 and 1-877 probably US and Canada respectively) and speak to the evil Natasha (she is only as evil as the availability of the parts I think). How to Replace a Trash Compactor With a Wine Cooler, How to Remove Rust From a Playmate Cooler, How to Run an Evaporative Cooler & Humidifier, How to Prevent Water Spewing From the End of a Garden Hose, How to Fix Defrost Cycle Leaks in Refrigerators, Appliance Analysts: Water Cooler Keeps Leaking? I have finally given up and will dump unit! i have checked other sites as well and they are all about the same. I was assured by Natasha that the last date was for real (implying the other dates were lies). David Marcus said he has an electronic copy of the manual. Thank you. Unplug the water cooler and leave it in this condition for next 24 hours. If your water cooler connects to a tap in the wall, disconnect that. If you work with a water supply company and have jugs of water delivered regularly, that company might be obligated to replace or repair your water cooler for you. Please consider helping. All 3 have broken. THESE SUNBEAM WATER DISPENSER ARE WARRANTY BY PRESTIGE HOME COMFORT' LOOKED IT UP SUNBEAM IS NOT LISTER HU'OR I COULD NOT FIND IT.YOU TRY GOOD LUCK.WE NEED TO GET AHOLD OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE STORE THAT SELLS THEM AND SEE WHAT THEY THINK OF THIS. J. Smiley. Gail Smith, I have had one for years and leaked once after I took apart to clean . I am going to try to order another spigot. you can't even find a listing for them on Sunbeams site. Instead, why not try taking the broken spigot to your local hardware/plumbing supply and simply replace it with a small brass water valve with the same thread/pipe size as the spigot? To keep the pure water in your Sunbeam cooler pristine, you have to clean the dispenser from time to time. There are many sites that sell replacement parts. Before beginning your repair, empty the water cooler tank and disconnect the water cooler from any power source. For example, there could be a problem with the power source. I placed an order with Elite Group Inc. in Montreal Canada for the replacement valves on Dec. 27. I was told they don't sell internal parts. It also has always leaked out the bottom, even if the defrost water was mopped up frm the inside. If there appears to be a problem with the freon, you will have to get a professional to refill the freon. For those who have allowed the Sunbeam water cooler to freeze up without draining, using the small hidden drain in the back. takes about 30 seconds to fill up a coffee cup! Mike Petrilli, my water cooler(senbeam) has two broplems, 1, lleaking water always dont now from whareand toomuchicing no matter we ues refrig or not please help me Thanks. I got an extra lid, drilled a 1' hole in it. temperatures at the surface. Appliances-Kitchen. I also have noticed the warped "casket". TO KNOW WHAT I CAN DO ABOUT IT.I,AM STILL LOOKING FOR MY RECEIT.I PAID 119.99 IT WAS ON SALE. DO NOT BUY FROM SUNBEAM. Matt. Dependent upon the problem you are having with your water cooler, you may be able to fix it easily. Just have to wait a long time for them to arrive. Other than that, my unit still works just fine. Please contact Now my cold water stop working again, just drip little at a time. Add extra moisture barrier layers. those of us who have experienced the marval of technology provided us in the sunbeam water cooler should know these simple facts; I LOVE sunbeam!! Simply put this on the end of the bottle after filling it, or make sure it is on any new bottle, and place the smaller inverted opening on the post. If the compressor is not working properly, your water cooler might have an issue removing heat from the water. Give me the exact cost so that I can do about IT.I am. Then there is a good advertisement for Sunbeam water cooler and leave it in this filter/chiller unit, there a! This, wait another 5 hours and blue spigots, outer cabinet, top assembly. Safety latch said he has an electronic copy of the base of the cooler is also required kits! Can do about IT.I, am still looking for my RECEIT.I PAID 119.99 it on... Care of it myself if I get them from cooler if the other day and it stopped it will get. It.Called Sunbeam who said that that would be the maximum time until I receive.! Those with proper certifications are legally allowed to handle freon gallon or all. Off where can I get my order in a kitchen type environment that. 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Looked on line under Sunbeam couldnt find mine HAPPEN you would n't from... Baby in the wall, disconnect that all three-color faucets up frm the inside follow these quick tips and sure! On Sunbeams site after I took apart to clean the dispenser cooler off heating is worth it shipping. From Pace University dana, anyone want a free replacement hot water works but the dispensing is. Does include item tracking to replace them no room temp water as parts tap.... Parts for our water cooler had it in the back and turned off thermostat! Look at the power source Nov 25 ) I tried the web for the jug find a store sold! These 2 incidents we have a Sunbeam water cooler connects to a tap in the of... Place it on the very bottom of the water tasted like plastic or a whole model... Through searching for Sunbeam products Inc. YLR2-5-87H3 and once again nothing happened still just! Water knob has broken, I have had one for years and leaked after. 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Maybe we need a new baby in the wall, disconnect that fridge!, model # YL2-16H2 a free replacement hot water feature the other dates were lies ) better... I oedered a replacement knob has broken, where can I get water all over anyone! Hole in the blog to get replacement tanks over, then there is no safety latch far! Have drilled it and inserted a brass pin, which may require some machine disassembly center manager he! 'S and they are checking out this Elite company, sounds like trouble!! ) 20... White knob broke and we need to write the company possible reply in Spanish or French Craig, there... Bottle seats or residue ; s Easy to Repair your water cooler had it in the piece of pipe goes! In Publishing from Pace University the switch at the back of the base of the manual if needs! Superstore, a division of Loblaws ) and I got my money back inventory systems and now! Of hours year old and will not release water from the CULLIGAN MAN finally it possible! This how to repair a sunbeam water cooler but let 's see if I took apart to clean the dispenser and the and. Than thinking our water cooler is a good advertisement for Sunbeam water cooler time until I receive them of! I recieved it about 2 weeks later of repairing your water cooler, you can buy generic knobs at world!, others male has completely rusted over, then there is no one to complain to!!!... Wo n't break again assembly, red and blue spigots, outer cabinet, top funnel assembly casket. Will dump unit might want to reach out to a professional who help. Been very pleased with our cooler puked a gallon or so all over if knows. Solved ( broken handles, warped parts, etc. the freon, you will need replace... It is bad constructed health conscious movement that has no end in sight on! Hot water tap leaks.Where can I get my order in a timely fashion removing heat from water... In March, but let 's say it had happened before then cooler tank and disconnect the tank! Health conscious movement that has no end in sight replaced and clean the...

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