how to play m4 sherman war thunder

The armor was also increased to 6 in (152 mm) all round, but the area under the rear turret basket was only 2.5 in (63 mm). so ive been playing around the shermans a bit looking forward to get the Pershing and superpershing, but i have yet to figure out how to play the shermans, i always die, idk how to use them, any advises ? Only when you are facing their hull without any angles should you shoot the hull, otherwise shoot the turret only, as their big tracks can easily get in front of the frontal hull. The M4A4 (SA50) is a rank III French medium tank with a battle rating of 5.0 (AB/RB/SB). The "wet stowage" encased the ammo containers in a liquid mixture that would douse the flames when penetrated or block flaming shrapnels due to penetrating shots from hitting the ammunition. The M4 748 (a) is a very versatile weapons platform that can be used in multiple roles and tactics. This page was last edited on 1 April 2023, at 09:21. This feature was only present after February 1944 and severely decreased the rate of Sherman fires. Some of the later models (like the (W) variants) store their ammo in the belly. You'd like those to be empty, as anyone who knows anything about a Sherman will try to target those areas first. In battle the M4 performs well as an all-rounder; the thick turret front and 10 degrees of gun depression make the tank ideal for taking hull-down positions which protect the thinner hull armour from being penetrated by enemy fire. In Italy, the Shermans proved much more mobile than the German Panzers, able to travel cross-country on the hilly terrain with ease. Design of the M4 began in 1941, and by July 1942 it was ready for full-scale production. 30 Dec. 2017. Reveal hidden contents Low Bustle - (Unofficial) A type of 75mm Turret. The containers also placed all the ammunition in the bottom center of the tank, reducing the likeliness of it being hit by a shell as the penetrating shell must go through every armour and obstacle to hit the tank center. The long barrel 75 mm gun will easily penetrate the Sherman from the front. A total of 8053 of these tanks were built. This tank is a very good representative of the medium tank line, with average mobility, sufficient armour and enjoyable firepower. Shermans proved a strong option with good reliability and manoeuvrability in addition to armament and armour suiting its roll as a medium tank. Frontal armour is still inadequate, will get frontally penetrated and knocked out by tanks like Achilles, The best M61 shell struggles to penetrate heavy targets like, Trajectory is curved and velocity is low due to its short barrel, thus distant/moving targets are hard to shoot at, Hull traverse is quite slow, making it sluggish in a turn, Roof armour of 19.5 mm thick is vulnerable to airstrikes with AP cannons. Difference is, he has a better turret. This tank gives the M4 Sherman the best upgrades possible, with a new suspension and a high-penetrating 76 mm cannon with access to APCR rounds. In these cases, aim for weak points like the protruding hatches in the front sloping armour, or even the crest of the transmission housing, where the slope is minimum in both areas. The top rows of all 4 floor racks deplete successively, followed by all bottom rows. The driver and bow gunner still sat in the front, the three-man turret crew in the center, and the engine compartment in the back. The Shermans were also reported to play a role as armour-recovery vehicles rather than tanks due to Sherman's great power-to-weight ratio and reliable design that allows for the ability to tow the heavier German vehicles reliably. Captured serviceable tanks were used by the Wehrmacht as subdivision command vehicles and sometimes even full-fledged combat vehicles. The tank had a welded hull. Additionally, the final drive assembly cover was replaced by a more heavily armored version. The M4A3(105) is the first Sherman in the American tech tree of War Thunder. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. The M4A1 (76) also introduces the more penetrative 76 mm M1 cannon to the M4 Sherman series of tanks that . Once done - Horizontal Drive and two modifications responsible for accuracy or Artillery Support. I go over ALL the best ways to kill the M4 Sherman tank, including several ways to one shot it. The only big distinctive feature of the M4 748 (a) is the paint coat on the tank, which is a combination of the yellow dunkelgelb, red-brown rotbraun, and green olivgrn, in a manner similar to the default scheme of the Panther G. Features on the M4 748 (a) are shared with its counterpart with a 47 front armour plate with a one-piece transmission housing. Play Germans, you silly person. Also the narrow tracks offer poor ground flotation, thus poor off-road capabilities. It is possible for this tank to be put with Tiger H1s, Panthers and a lot of other tanks that can easily kill it and easily be killed by it. During the invasion of France, it was clear that the Sherman's current build with a 75 mm gun was no longer going to cut it against the German armoured forces. [2] Though the early M-50 Continentals were retired by 1972, the The M4A3E8 started production in August 1944 and its production life ended around the end of World War II, probably September 1945. These Shermans serve as a symbol of how desperate Israel's situation is with their neighbors, and also an example of how the Sherman is a proven design able to keep up with the arms race with adequate upgrades in its armaments. This vehicle was actively used in combat operations on the Eastern Front. Bogies had two paired wheels, and the supporting rollers were attached to the side of the hull. Wide-tracked tanks equipped with the new suspension were also fitted with wings and shelves with screens above the tracks. "Its a bad craftsman that blames his tools" The Shermans are fine, you just have to make good choices and that will come with game experience. For example the widely used. This specific Sherman's main weakness however is its lack of top-mounted MG, leaving it mostly vulnerable to strafing planes. The German forces also captured Allied tanks as well, mostly fielding them in the Panzer forces to supplement the growing attrition of their armoured forces. with a battle rating of 5.0 (AB/RB/SB). The F2 variant is admittedly easy to deal with. These are weak points as they present a flat armour surface. It will punch holes in AA trucks and armored cars. [2], The M4 Shermans were seen as adequate in the early 1950s conflicts, but the Soviet arms trade with the neighboring Arab countries in the 1950s caused the Israelis to focus on uparming their existing Sherman inventory. The low priority in tanks was due to the following reasons. StuG III F/G - Another historical nemesis of the Sherman, and another big threat. The M4 Sherman is a great flanker as it is fast enough to get the jump on the enemy's side. Suspension wheels are 15 mm thick, bogies are 10 mm thick, and tracks are 20 mm thick. The main weakness of the M4 is the side armour - not only is it vertical and thin, but behind it most of the ammunition is stowed. There were three types of tracks on the M4, and they could be fitted with spikes to make traveling across soft earth easier. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. It exists only for the gun, and almost everything else is sacrificed for it: gun handling, crew capacity and mobility. Excellent 75 mm gun, arguably better than the legendary 17-pounder due to the penetration and accuracy of the gun, Outstanding penetration on the default APCBC at all ranges, Unlike the Sherman Firefly, the SA50 gets 10 degrees of gun depression. The M4 Sherman, designated Medium Tank, M4, named after the American Civil-War General William T. Sherman. Unlike the M4 Sherman model that has the same gun mount, the right turret side does not have a welded piece of applique armour, allowing for a more sloped contour on the 76 mm turret armour. Im getting my ween kicked in at the moment because I have no clue how to play the Sherman tank. The Battle of France in 1940 proved to America that their current tank arsenal would not be able to withstand a German assault. Thank you!Jumbo Sherman Weakspot Guide: #sherman #weakspots\"Art of Silence - by Uniq\" is under a Creative Commons license (Creative Commons International Recognition 4.0 CC BY 4.0) The tank, as in reality, is armed with the 75 mm M3 tank gun as used on the M3 Lee and the M8A1 Gun Motor Carriage. This allowed them to build up units with the M4A3E8 and the heavier, but better armed M26 Pershing, building up around five tank battalions. While America retained about 20,361 Shermans in the Army and Marine Corps, 17,184 went to Britain (about 34% of Shermans produced and 78% of Shermans given out) and the Soviet Union obtained 4,102 Shermans. Skins and camouflages for the M4A4 (SA50) from The early M34A1 gun mount design added onto the tank as well as an appliqu "cheek" in front of the gunner, as the redesign of the turret and room for the power traverse caused the armour in front of the gunner to be thinner than the rest of the turret. Thus, unlike most Shermans, the French M4A4 SA50 does not have a stabilized gun; this however is more than made up for by the egregious penetration rates of the high-velocity cannon. Now it's the M4 Shermans time to die. Britt aint good, explosiveless high pen rounds now have low damage. [3] About 50 M-50 were given to Chile in late 1980s, rearmed with an IMI-OTO 60 mm Hyper Velocity Medium Support gun, which they used until 1999 when they replaced them with the Leopard 1 tanks. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Excellent gun depression of -10 plus the angled frontal turret allows it to utilise hills very well, Great penetration and post-penetration damage when using M61 shells; can frontally penetrate and knock out most opponents like the, Great turret traverse speed allows it to deal with multiple threats easily, Capable armour when angled and at a distance, Adequate top speed allows it to get to positions in time, or to do tactical manoeuvres like flanking, Pintle-mounted HMG provides an anti-aircraft defence or anti-tank duty against tanks like, Fitted with a vertical stabilizer, allowing more accurate fire on the move compared to other tanks, as well as better usage of shoot-n-scoot tactics, Large profile and weak side armour; flankers like the Sd.Kfz.234/2 can easily see and penetrate it, Frontal armour is still inadequate, it will get frontally penetrated and knocked out with a single shot by tanks like, The best M61 shell struggles to penetrate heavy targets like, Trajectory is curved and velocity is low due to its short barrel, thus distant/moving targets are hard to shoot at, Hull traverse is quite slow, making it sluggish in a turn. It can be an effective rang-finder for targets at longer ranges where the M1919 in the turret would be less effective. Skins and camouflages for the M4 from Restrictions were made on the tank's height, width, and weight in order to make it able to be transported over bridges, roads, railroads, and on naval ships. The M4 medium's use of the Continental R975 radial engine results in a distinctive engine deck as well. Experienced Sherman commanders will like this tank as it drastically increases this old boy's lethality. This main armament performs a bit better than its British counterpart, the QF 17-pounder, as it has superior penetration rates at all ranges. the M-50 Cummins and M-51 served together up until the early 1980s, having to fight more modern Soviet tanks such as the T-54/55 tanks in the 1973 Yom-Kippur War. A StuGwith a broken track is a sitting duck for your artillery barrage. Posted February 21, 2020. The M4 748 (a) tank's mobility can be used to travel the distance on the battlefield in a satisfactory fashion. This equipment, if salvageable, are often taken by the occupiers and used for their own purposes. KV-1 and variants - A vehicle that the M4 Sherman will have trouble against is the KV-1. Penetration wise, the gun is excellent, but being solid shot it suffers in an uptier against the roomeywar-thunder-friendly german tanks at 5.7. 3 The M4 Sherman's importance in the Pacific theatre was less than that of the European theatre due to the different tactical doctrine established from the amphibious nature of combat. The production for the Shermans began on October 1941 and would continue to be produced until the end of the war in 1945 with around 50,000 units produced, making it the second most-produced tank in World War II before the T-34 tank. A more effective method was to have metal armour welded on in improvisation, and an official project was made for such "assault tanks" that ended with the M4A3E2 "Jumbos" with 254 made for the fighting in Europe. A low-speed diesel engine gave the M4A2 good cross-country ability and a much larger maximum range than tanks with gasoline engines. As a newly developed Sherman late in the war, the M4A3E8 did not see much use in the European theater until near the end of the war. Churchill - The Churchills, with their complex hulls and sturdy turrets, can be quite hard to penetrate at range. The last batches, which were made beginning at the end of 1943, had the front of their hulls made from cast and rolled pieces. The Shermans were reported to be used in the 14th Panzer Division, 16th Panzer Division, Fallschirmjger Division, and Kampfgruppe Berlin. The 75 mm gun was doing its job well and there were already a few 76 mm Shermans going around fine with the older VVSS. The reasonable mobility of the Sherman makes flanking a viable tactic. Make sure to surprise your enemies while you avoid being targeted yourself. It was one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". [Devblog] M4A4 (SA50) - The Desert Warrior,, Cast homogeneous armour (turret, gun mantlet, cupola, transmission carter, MG port). On April 1941, the Armored Force Board chose the simplest of the designs, which was a redesigned M3 hull and chassis with a turret mounting the 75 mm gun designated the T6, completed in September 1941. Get into position, manage to avoid shots doing so and play any role an average tank can fit into: sniper, brawler, flanker, etc. It was much quicker to reinforce the British armoured divisions with the more than 300 Shermans sent to North Africa than it was to create new American ones. These specifications would help the Army by making the tank be very flexible on strategic, logistical, and tactical grounds. Only thing is the bombs which are okay in the wings, but those under it have a peculiar mechanism to drop which delays everything a bit With only 40k to go i have soon my first autoloaded tank, the AMX M4, which looks promising. Its prototype, termed the T6, was ready for trials at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in September 1941. Skins and camouflages for the M4A3 (76) W from [Vehicle Profile] M4 Sherman [Decal Included], [Tanks Encyclopedia] Medium Tank M4 Sherman, [Military Factory] M4 Sherman (Medium Tank, M4),, Rolled homogeneous armour (Front, Side, Rear, Hull roof), Cast homogeneous armour (Turret, Transmission area). On a larger battle scale with multiple allies and enemies, work in cohesion with the others behind the front lines as the allies absorb most of the enemy shots, allowing the M4 to line a perfect shot on a spent enemy to land a penetrating shot into the hull and knocking out the crew. This means short to medium engagement range, so realistically it can benefit more from its short-range penetration figures than long-range sniping tanks would. The Assault Tank M4A3E2 Jumbo is a rank III American heavy tank with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB/RB/SB). This tactic is very efficient in urban combat, where long range precision shots are not required. Can reliably stop or bounce incoming fire, Due to all the pros listed above, the SA50 is one of the best pound-for-pound snipers and ridgeline shooters in the game, Bad overall armour layout: doesn't have any add-on tracks lining the sides like the Firefly, Doesn't have access to any shells with explosive filler, Higher-than-average reload time for the battle rating, No roof mounted .50 cal HMG like on other Shermans at the same BR. The Israelis cleared their stocks of M-50 and M-51 by this time, sold to collections, used as range targets, or repurposed to other usage such as engineer vehicles. In addition, shots to the sides will most likely hit fuel tanks or ammunition storage, causing a fire or ammunition detonation and at best, time to reassess the situation. It is an Era II vehicle, with a Battle Rating of 3.7 in all game modes. M4 748 (a) is a premium gift rank III German medium tank The new units deploying in Europe afterwards had exclusively 76 mm Shermans and as standardization in the suspension went on, the HVSS became more and more common in the European theater. For more information, please see our The 8th rack is large and located in a weak spot: the bottom section of the armour. Another program in the 1960s attached the larger 105 mm Modle F1 French gun from their AMX-30 into the Sherman. With the G variant, it is more reliable to use AP at ranges over 500 m to ensure penetration. It can use its decent armour and gun to support friendlies against enemies, use its mobility to outmanoeuvre and exploit undefended location to reach an unsuspecting area, and a combination of the traits to deal with its contemporary medium tanks with the 75 mm gun with its APCBC and APCR ammunition. [1] This change in optics required appliqu armour to be added at the turret area in front of the gunner since the modification left the area weaker than the overall turret. It was available only for pre-order during the Closed Beta Test of Ground Forces during the period before Update 1.41. War Thunder Game play With American Sherman M4 Tank in Ground Realistic Battle,game play Cinematic montage shortsThank you For watching : While this does provide minute protection, they also serve as highlights for the enemy to aim for an ammo rack destruction. The most important thing about this tactic is to know when to hold back, as enemies will be aware of a rampaging Sherman in the area and will take advantage of it as soon as they get the opportunity. WordPress, 12 Jan. 2011. Their weight grew somewhat, though widening the tracks to 584 mm counteracted that by spreading the weight across a wider surface. The Sherman was a proven design and was easier to maintain, more mobile, and reliable. No matter what game you find yourself in, you should be able to do something. And don't discount that .50-cal machine gun! Even if your armour is not the best, it should block most incoming rounds which will have lost most of their penetration power at those ranges. The divisions of the Wehrmacht had several such tanks which survived until Germany surrendered. While the Shermans were finally replaced in American service, many other countries that received the Shermans still used them all the way to the turn of the century. By The engine was the same Ford GAA V8 as was standard on the M4A3. Up to 6,748 M4A1s were produced from July 1942 to January 1944, out of the 49,234 total Sherman units produced in the war. Despite the time of production, the distance of the Atlantic Ocean between the American factories and Europe cause the delivery time of the first batch of the new models to be three months, meaning they would not see service until December 1944 the soonest. However, it was at this stage that the Sherman's shortcoming began to take face in the advent of the newer German tanks, the Tiger Is and Panthers. While most tanks in the BR range of the M4 748 (a) are quite capable of destroying the tank through the front, the most worrisome tanks are those that are quite immune to the 75 mm gun on the M4. Description. With this great amount of firepower come some downsides however: it is not stabilized which makes target acquisition quite slow and the lack of explosive filler means that you will have to aim each shot to make it count. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. While the stabilization was only done for the vertical plane, it kept the gun stable enough to be able to shoot on the move effectively, with a study showing a 70% hit probability on an enemy 300 to 1,200 yards away when moving at a speed of 15 mph. Another way to play the M4 Sherman is to tap into its traditional cavalry role, its mobility. [1] Their designations on the Shermans were based on their armaments, leading to names such as the Sherman M-1 with the 76 mm M1 gun, the Sherman M-3 with the 75 mm M3 gun, and the Sherman M-4 with the 105 mm M4 howitzer, regardless of Sherman hull and engine model types. Another unique feature on the Sherman was the installation of a gyroscopic stabilizer on the gun and sight, making the Sherman one of the first produced tanks to incorporate those features. However, once heavier tanks and contemporary medium tanks start arriving in droves, it is recommended to start withdrawing from the position or else the M4 will be overwhelmed and destroyed at the first priority due to being an easy target, even if allies are present to support the M4 on the position. That being said, the rest of this tank is 100% Sherman, with all its pros and cons. It can easily dominate the field (especially against tanks of a lower BR) when you employ the right tactics; keep a good distance from your enemy and use your own cannon to penetrate them from any range. Churchill I, Churchill III, Pz.Kpfw. Carrying30-rounds, I can afford to take shots at distant targets while on the move. The tank's welded hull boosted its ammunition capacity in comparison with cast hulls by expanding its internal armoured capacity. Are Sherman 105s actually god? The M4A3E2 had 1.5 in (38 mm) armor plates added to the front and upper sides of the hull. should be bumped up to 4.3 that way it is more likely to die and be more far for the overall game play of the tank and tanks it fights. Skins and camouflages for the M4 748 (a) (Germany) from The Allies continued to use 75 mm Shermans until the Battle of the Bulge in Winter 1944, when the commanders request only 76 mm Shermans to be brought into Europe as the battle showed the intense armour disparity with the German's large numbers of Panthers and Tiger II tanks. A variant of the M4A3 Sherman, the M4A3E2 has a new T23 style turret and extra armour clapped on nearly every . The problem had to be addressed in the manufacturing plant and Ordnance Department set to work finding a better solution to fix the track flotation for better mobility. If you're using the 75mm variants, they're useless at long ranges (50m and so on) Just stick around the corner and expect to catch someone. This tank is the equivalent to the British Sherman Firefly, trading its top-mounted HMG and additional armour for a better main gun: the SA50 L/57 cannon, which is the same gun as the one featured on the well-known AMX-13, providing an interesting perspective to what's coming next in terms of firepower. Even without any modifications, its ability to fulfil its role, though where it begins to shine is with the M61 shot. with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/RB/SB). First thing to do with a sherman is check what the BR range of the game is, especially with the 75mm ones - if you are top BR you can have a really good game, if you are bottom BR not so much! I had an epiphany earlier today, it started after getting home from work yesterday; I'd had a bad day, as most people have these days, I played some tarkov with a friend, opening up warthunder after he got . The 8072nd Tank Battalion was raised from Shermans from the occupational forces of Japan and were the first to be sent to Korea in July 1950. It was introduced in Update 1.75 "La Rsistance". The Medium Tank M4 Sherman is a rank II American medium tank with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/RB/SB). "Palestinian Armor." The British designated the M4 the "Sherman", which coined into the tank's name M4 Sherman that it would be known as in history. The first M4a1 is probably one of the worst. It was introduced along with the rest of the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals" . Originally, this tank was provided with a vertical stabiliser but it was disabled with this new gun mount as the strain was too great for this piece. Where the M1919 in the American Civil-War General William T. Sherman to 1944... Attached to the side of the American Civil-War General William T. Sherman the. As anyone who knows anything about a Sherman will try to target those areas.. 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