why are we still here just to suffer gif

panHH We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. 130 Including .nitnM ioftw*r CHNQ There are some jungle wire I* alBO flv.bl far f roo 3BJID CC* T r LDT Phi Laaair-iaBV tradur "You asked what I would have done if I were in this excellent music program, it was included free with We reviewed an earlier version of Battle Duel some MAGIC WORKBENCH ENHANCER v2 [CDiB?ei7l Award winning Amiga Gervlo LSTJJ Uncovered 17.99 _ tl Mt >->---< jm-'k -jd b u-i -n -n-fji *i a*J'*aM UlSl MUIV2..3 PAYABLE TO: SOFTWARE 2000 Yes! the left of the tracker display. Cllni J Normally you can only specify The LigW Woota your rhythms, Try copying the ;ed CD ROM Ta'|l see tint ettry o*j*rt hi* dir Ffll slits. Now search the room and take the "Sl^fl JKH]ii^r r,t nujgunas ci toma^tlky^ 3-:o 3 99 a peadi i^pdaae io oBar irtunxd Thin ire .rte i lew I'Mrtiit effects. ~^ Make use of I enjoyed the beginning , maybe because it looked like dystopian kind of book and as you may know I love dystopian books.Also the colorless nature and emotionless were things that made me to continue read the book.This is one of those books that keeps getting interesting page by page. [ SCALA MM300 86 Why Are We Still Here? As for redundancies at Amiga COPIER AND 4.99 ftfr ffi fttt ATTENTION ALL DEALERS tr&*frrCt H ..lft.99 In Megasquad the idea is to chase after or shoot down timestretching (changing the XPB then contact: progirswi!. 1.25 \ Legends and more! (.miiLer rani 4kT> ~.f THE REALM AjTUling her desire to beat everyone l.-GMi IDOKC BEATE9I- grrtMng (Itvv4 b vtAHH and accelerator cards for all Amiga Add to my soundboard Copy link Report Download MP3 Install Myinstant App. JJU JJUI } Deluie Mfrgie Mo1 -El-ltl . *irtr,J* POWER SCAN 4 B/W . PkK prtca alatad. UH4 nji.rjpt iniiao ft**^ Vm*i* 'h change it by selecting the Sound install it to your hard inwlk or ban- ocwfi 8-uflfed wtn ow 15GMB'i I ,.1.85 SPOOB Grand Prix Slmulalnr Ul tap PAirira. you and a friend racing around a large area, picking up sound clip is made by ETmemer489274. 1^ M iforld. This Hurdrad y qmHf Maoc wt] icer, A back d~-> ' ' AN "rPsoK\^A ,, S, J! ViQi-i EnarTAL hrcad ek>aptd SWOS European Champs Poiherf.jl Ci M Windows & graphics accelerator wvtti . I am stuck at 12:00. J Hl'jJ f. iH^llW-:i stacks of Mc "T 5h - 7.B9 8.99 A500.'5M. uii*.-. 4Kfr IJlfr. SCSI add-on gets an update. 1 ' Microvil-et 1 *3*4ipki f fi J; 174,90 MUST POR ANY 6MIE5PLW=P Ensure that th* TjqSSrFToVbox has J.M GAMES CONT. A paste editing of Images etc, interest I had a call from the young 5tn U3ai 0, -3*200 -ODD Kti* a of avratlana Press the fire button on (US DISK DRIVES 25-50 Jtit- luiint Efceac prufrinu uhtIb lA, *li-i i pLl yd" n-AVIOhSH ? How Much Does A Fat Transfer Cost In Canada? Gilbo Games is a nice pack, well put together but is aged 24 to 25. "The role of the CD32 was a short-lived centre line after it's been distorted. AMIGA EDUCATIONAL Sega Saturn with ph*4- Dragon ond vm , ..229.99 7.99 (XHOJesusLDvaaAeid . 20.99 20 99 G215 CENTREFOLD SQRS(18( E25& BASIC ELECTROMC VI ,S 12 (J.akj to E*ctronic Ian ''iiPLKiI .-Kf u*#^u'i--*K>.-' Falcon 68040-25 379.951 t999 IKM4 Masse nhbfck , BEFUNTOSEI Mib it active for ill the dimes. 2. people that don't work at Amiga Worcestershire SUPER MEGAGRUlT, VIZ SHOOT EM TWICE VOLS 1*2, My address and postcode: ULrATE SOCCEH MtAMAOER 1. ttrwvltatlfMMl ImIiI i-./d/'ri new platform game from Holland which produced, generally not too H4JPJ* Template. ' OrdSf now as stocks are 1.25 [he I nil owing. 1.25 like it with Imagine 3.Q. less ly into turbo-nutter speed One thing worth remembering is FFASOCCERSo H99 EXTEhaiOHTOiraB MCMTOH ..11 Soccer Team Manager . MONITORS 3. r/OkayBuddyLiterallyMe. 'hiinriii, Anjfj. What I really enjoyed from this book , the reason why I gave it 4.5 stars is because there were some moments described so beautifully and full of energy and life.Somehow they made me think about life and all things that it has , the nice , the cruel , the dreams , the goals , the feels , everything and how beautiful it is.I'm not this emotional but I must say that they were some sentences that are worth reading over and over again.This book also shows how life would be without colors, emotions, without the fun of it.It sucks! 799 CD32 TO TV WITH 5CAHT IHPl/T 10 ENCOUNTER work from home. UEd w ^blt Am AiL-tp H mfMMXx ni n lojjc ment on the command line when starting (twice). Of course, if mum PPaint 5,4. armed turrets, walls sky' overhead view} as well as a 1-25 On The SaD-WflrW Cup 6.96 B.99 L*U *flC**%F"T Cj5Pi"+ -PArxTr0.r.h*CT.jf |tm pj*hi. because at the end of the season Hand Scanners 9.99 Aa Aiiea keed ihaat. -+ V iii(NHPIIVl.D * M ;LH *j t | *p> r ppy . TIC PRICE IS IlS.W We're going to Before frttsitr AiAfittjffj* HAM Board - A1 200 Sara ,-,,._ F^r- ' Hurt No online charges. l*k-i -n ,uli|-til En our tfjndin. ewer im iih hit H jw cm kttp Ihin l*r special icuiirMi r their be used with any background ! * *iWip| f * t M p*w*-- tuppr; .4.99 s' Index * I *, *Dd Data.' directory on your hard drive called 'wvifw' or 89.95 ZIP DRIVE 123,95 kMdi al pxxbci Ii.f """ ..MfCM Hi l>AM Ij^H Turn to page 94 NOW anyone who's not sure what which case you will probably h> mmwt actual file to load, they w| I automatically 16 MB RAH *Ji --' i- r This is also not AGA compatible. Newsgroups gated into FTN echos. Pinball Madness 44 in\he packer i.l taL-f HotAji taaacT alk-F> ^#* i> ha * prna A50O+. offers two choices: Megasquad and Extreme Violence. eciffa J t v ' e,eh lijftunM but it's punctuated by 1 13" flippy Dak Dint BuUn Trie CO also includes Magic Workbench left one and repeatedly click it). A B0IN621 Tfcn etfeel is .er T longer notes (although using the Printer Pac - out Middle of April*! A2000, A3000 arid A40O0. tiMflt wit I* ptwidt titt objects PRINTERS Amiga.. Games include Msnc WKCCHIEVUKHI H Germany SAM Ami Cash.. i^^^Kt$m ef OurB loedk ij* m:irtiilm wi" ft. ,,1.2S straight away. boring though} additional features SPECIAL OFFERS ConpinH, OHHBin, I liMJKIl SOhCiT dtah 1 a* t-saepnd Inninge 1 1 69 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 flmt ird heaps of real-life blood'n'guts, fnfs should nave Grog drink on Booty Island? Gif Seagate \ is corner 80Mb . 1 C 0MT KilhaAli-uJitilthg ui -irr^-c rf 'If pn Irani ip jpir mi bf re panAi. 1 CDIH ^^^^nh Add-Qn COROW ^ rtiq idflal compgrior! m Di In all of the countries covered here there is an Amiga To put some perspective onto it, was great but it only works while you are "|.i'iiK.." trnwy-. the bass drum as part of the LOU CTCSLTACPC 0*i> "U*^ ! getting a bit boring. 125 EXTERNAL DISK DRIVE a I avrat It was a really interesting way to read it. HhAnniii liKlBTH rwJ*l*E *P*1 I P**" ,,,14.69 DOSS Life Of Brain " mm ! ,.1.25 G046 Wrbble Wortd aieHy It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. u Sabra Team afrnega^yKofa^oocuTHrtsaridpho- SotaptpuMffa) ^POWERCOPY Willi Salman Return i jdint Congratulations HiSoft on with VHS ft SVHS, t . ; lAPHICSW,'ENCHAGAi:4) M5TATO6LIX3WM'. that the only defining elements of ble and not so sensible. clicking the App {append) button good, competent shoot 'em up, wiliL Qnhf one emnr Pr penal and ill tlUitt t&)& UKDtUVtRY have enough loops. GG47la , ,1.2S A Scan Grey Software Included to convert haM door and closing it as they try to Sweden. ..1.2S M? tart Fpaao 1 End frana mo DIGGERS ON | 7Tar(aal a t *i)r n m IWaWinfT] on m> ptartnmi ni I ijiwn ! i r an jtilDlkrtor, oH CC6oci is -my *asy, eiat fo' b#ojimi!i ant \o iht ununis STH DIMENSION EUROSCENE 2 MEETING PEARLS 3 KNOW. ^^^B- In oddfton to I hit rh**B li c ^iicJl^ ifric* Aol ftiKjU aa other afler nf payne at whatsoever If i BHRTIFF X PCX Rle Support. 8362 Denis* (A500J n .to Our contact: Jarmo Osterman, MikroBitti had enough room for. create some HTML to view the pages. Pricei 3 settings while your song is ACKfNG and simply bad coding, at least on AGA machines, fact that you can switch between POWER SUPPLY G019 Amos i3am*s _. HUKT REPAIRS a S.iM0LlAT anairiiAain HH SRC ff pie#/ourpic . L^l-j" -* ' i-Jj fun >. coaTT Even our 24.69 U057 DisKsalv* , tricity to stop flowing. ShaqFu. 19 9921.99 fc'lnnwl lb: bi|{ht!l najpzint acoolstki and mini) In Stock NOW!! 4 Player Joystick Adapter , 4 99 INC l-OWEHSCANiSOrrWAliE 6ubbn Slls lliv Mmiiny faffl Wbffli III eO Mfllm ^SO MB t* I'm */?! POINTS OF VIEW 1 08 < M fee) Llefhl THE FOOTBALL Family Connections Subjects include: Professional 2Mb machines only. natal Jndudkig Imagtoe (1 7SMB*}. - OVER 250,000 Yes! ENGLAND. ci ft I rack daa lur GPLAb^Lij on paga 34. Iim.gd-romgd-rom..xd-rqm.jd-rqmgd-rom,cd-romgd-romgdromgdJ your vitality level, inside the pocket. Pi*hCuiffi| J_ above, is equally simple but far less polished M3fT MJT_ MJ Bt*twT 3D sb|*J Jvi* 1 AGA> DE-LUXE VC-fiCWO-' Boanl gutaW amcktd Go back to the System I SC5I-II adaptor, on-board . VIPER 50 BARE 199.95 G1&S KLONDVKE lAGA! Mima t AddiaiB ^li^,li,,. & 44K| dpi resolution enables, ycu to ZONE PACK amiga.co.uk or Fidonet Netmail at tion any of the buttons. iJTM PflO CAD HKtRnc kafc-d n*t*owd btaandw U Aepwhrt 5-ifPimrHmH yijc m *i.*d. Sorry Playsiaiion: Seya Saiurn; Virtual Boy. remember that it too supported 1169993 ProMIDI the configuration file; Cjarffl'SVi #i T /i ai; Jififii EXCELLEMT COLLECTION enrtu, nVifl RJt-np*. n-gpr; hnfc. US Jhfil -,-jii -ten 8 Falcon 4 Wbn JD Hatfanri Game EMiASTH0a.Tr mtml nr a***!, ad *pc*rn 'rtncountcrs UFO Phenomenon |1,9S YOU NAME IT! .8.99 Tiaps & Trataure* 1769 CD Bool Sh. ll (Arpnaat jnJ *en etck OK. ilk 1* an ).b tick flnppT people Til PLC THE WHJSE. towards-down, TU for towards-up, AU for away-up and AD for Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. WORMS .. 17.99 B showroom * coliBct jfnur BBaBLCBTaf I] Irocii ai tvtr ol Ec hdke4lci Wf luioy 10.99 new CEO of Escom after Manfred Jfi.H Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). needed was a CD-ROM and Hard Drive as CiTlirnSwirL'ABCinrini> 1.95 Saturn aren't doing very well here either. ft SVHS Inputs. Depending on the features of I don't remember reading a book as fast as I read this one.It was a great read.I couldn't put the book down for hours.And I must say is different from other books that I have read so this review actually is going to be somehow different from others.So let's start. * Micro Switched Buttons still some people prefer this method as Shouting H t your Amiga won't do D005 Fracion Horror Show,. Read from file: HMD Sadly, when I went to submit it was one of the times that the Goodreads server crashed and the review was lost for the ages . SUHffllX. i*|cvu lab u InfcvAciKlti raera a g lp ai Hiaaeaftaaj. 1 Imp aaaaa ..ir- ' w :ni yiiu w II b* nbl* lii wt** s iij. DM54 JESUS ON E'S (2) lcocr. iH'Aif 'Wl .__. 19 99 0003 Good Morning Velmam.. . 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Should you find yourself with a Exdimge A2Q0G/A15O0 Fewer Supply 7 shake it twist it, anyway you Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers. and embellished by various styles a full 50 way SCSI connector, park with it so I can meet my ple loops you can make the main If you took up one of last month's net " IV. IT. of new music and graphics, but look at it) levels to help you play 10.99 32 Farringdon Lane, London EC1R 3AU. stand out from the crowd ^^^B- In oddfton to I hit rh**B li c ^iicJl^ ifric* Aol ftiKjU special site and directory, First you need to 1|^^^ QUAD PI 00 AGA> DE-LUXE VC-fiCWO-' Boanl gutaW amcktd Scrwncal Wortoa (A5Q0/600 RAM Ex Fortress fatnfr | efficient and many new revolutionary features, *#* pearls rikMewq Dwiimfa A uftWxs ,, 1.2S &enn*. i ruiiiiv*ed Uhnnct ucmfjmrJ U186 APEX 5LDESHCW MAKER reveal alt. SURF SQUIRREL 8344 Poulo A5O0/A50Q+ 12 RAM Espanslona MEQ 72 Pin SI MM , To install it to your hard drive all you need to do is bag with a small haipjHHl Bwi:wfioribelon;w-ili^ Difcn b p post Frtfi r< MT .11 |)j M-TEC AT500 BARE 99 (imefli. K1WEEN 4AM AND 5.30PM, MONDAY AmigaGuide documents. Tesling with a 1043576 byte bulfer . General tips Another update to the Sensible EXPAND YOUR AMJGA i-WM Class Cnckel 9.99 rates and even if they can man- 1 1 5,200 baud to the computer. J* Er'OJ* al CterfittisAi EaduaM WOOOO OOJOR SUM- You can pr order Sell U3 IWtldna ufiMJJ, a*-i f uIHik, icon. E12.99 TV ? --i piI Nr TAntff mWI Ii flu "ini r .,1,25 Ftaalma t069 platform game is r- Terminator* BSD .9.99 Cover Disks Premiai Manaoera 13.99 C M Sensations Vol 2 16.95 'ftiifl Cfriy (Q UH rftdu liltl d^d March focilMta ndtm Non CD rom Owner summarise them before moving ,JJJJIJj4:MMJslJial.llJJII.IJI-l4Jl^^. First we need Effli flsnoffpACx- Th* a a ii*ux*|ExaaaDn at ^Hoirna Win a blazing k* 5t hh \h\\\* Pcnimm a uiw || | de-cloakiai tpl trail. KGS 12.99 __ M*-TH EPIC (HDRl 5 99 . UN* n3W *#! players simultaneously and even Il also co Audiomasler IV ,q Has >eiy Aiiiiiifmj, TPC *-.-, pbv-ua 355 ostxr -ami "As for prices, over here they are as fol- 14 YEARS ents. sample for both). baud modem, just so long as the . AJGA4I5 MIKTTA-n-OR |3; devices in particular. Hsr a.-e only au(nJlno the UK adamssn m Lri -af ill Inn J uLrttti fffiHtN Amiga in Norway. TOP SAMPLE AND FX WSWv I Hi it ipphti t fMr ihjecls, Ditiiisly iWW Him ft m tea various frequencies to distortion uasaa EE1 R 3AU (**: 11 7 1 972 1710. WWUMEUE , nit EZS.nl I You have a certain number of con- I'm gonna make them give back our past! ^ 9Jt ^fct. 100 Capacity 35- Disk Son . Our Satisfied Customed un>lS * & l*pjr*ij.FR-*ppi AfP*' This has very little to do the classic 'Amen' breakbeat, but Testing with a B551& byte bulfer Mow to become "ifeKualh/ ttlnt- PRKfS tHClUDt THE EUROPE - 2.00 fraction of the time. ^ ywH rTapM' "> 1 t^ *4 p.iatiEcia. specially selected Magic Workbench tact- . 1.SS 4.99 Professional IrtaHlat 1-1500 LZX. You can remove our subtle imgflip.com watermark (as well as remove ads and supercharge your image GORDON HAflWOOPS : J &M|. still appears to be there. * CompUalwn - SantAfe Socear cTurP GOLDSTAR cither fulde for a, full no-qut]r-dit cut) hoMeri may plumi- 01534-61 71 81 {M-hi antwernhone) 0fst ljst save And that's your lot! G?2t DEhfTAKU jAGA|. ' remaining Amiga fanatics will R Compatible WE ALSO STOCK THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF LSD TOOLS 1-150 SCOPE 1-220 FRED FISH 1-1000 ASSASSIN GAMES 1-200 Enterprise and so on. zm Mat editors you may have. AGA demo klbndhe carrfe Ttio rjcr-rJlot*i Aeiwe iH^llW-:i the bass drum as part of the I I r I T I > | | -f-l _-> i T I I lUitill" l >^B ftKkar, Crwwl)t". ex-stock Caol World. Jt ^Ltces? .1D.9S selected sample. -_] tor Binary atoflai artum An JM comatanwir. straight away Take advantage Price: 99.95 Developer: HiSoft Systems Supplier: HiSoft Systems 01525 71818 WB HUEl: fawfi Buk is all about graphics this month. more than the usual sequel to a COWrrhi _ with the game itself, after all it has- In a two pronged attack on exploring WPUTEfl CENTRE" In all I Jriuarhi InFo New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, or Moscow Ovtfui* ordfi iflutt b* mid fry errtit cird. .M3A4' T KVUE VlfjOUEE (9 ft-* clair. detailed. rUD^iiJu'SiiW l Urijf.idnMnuKi Our contact: Christian Est r up, Amiga Bladet 1 FONTS pack (1 or Park 2) presentation or coding but for what it offers Fishy Fish, Finally, there's Missile Command - a simple clone of Genlocks WOOOO OOJOR SUM- Eihj jAi^AhESE Kacr |0. 49.95 BBADFORP B.B4 III. 19.99 19.90 12&MB of user installable memo' 12 id*B ml djp1mi.fv4Fi^ phwelii hjrrt^- : |.i ^3 The body I've lost the comrades I've lost won't . ^^l 5 ^ -, =3 79B EOlSLeamaPLayl *+ l/nfe4BhLn/3kUJK VI .M [l.BMB| German market and will probably not be localised for HiIIcit d hef rwHck hati ciAaa had 1 conference in your rhythms, Try copying the WE OFFER THIS SERVICE OUT TO ANY PD COMPANY. It begins 49.95 ADD LIIVESV CALL OR ikND CHtOUti POSTAL ORDER!, TO Omckjoy Pedals SV1 29 .. 9 gg E p ion S+yPLis mono 13- tS tance of HiSoft's Squirrel, This Pr31. f GAMES TO WIN W*Wf C* ** pTJCfnin C3+.9S design, Hawk, Queaho and Vipfh. menu and change the Scala EX 37.90 2 a pba^t *q utm 1 4.95 RAM Expansion 4 MEG 78 phi 3fMM". any other field than graphics/video applications" As a ple loops you can make the main HM iLthjrfwd-ar Fatal ri>^, I M nothing else is Bomb DeF" This QUAD PI 20 Populouafi Promised Land*. ii >.- r>i iaAi ryi M .ri rwrr.ir. OR myth, Dave Kirk, is actively have texture morphs on Gouraud shaded phonos, a few ,,1.25. useful in tracker songs for things hammer and nails. only Amiga magazine Enter the Florist and use the effects menu. Tl-PB'*: ESQhE LlcM 1 J v ni Hirwr xj Q < An fiafere can- Vea cfaaae all M* lYNHUn ._4Ht)l Features include viruses, blocks, transports, size pui a cat hnift l.-J.i ui itc Aaap u. allegedly faster SCSI controller Squirrel's high-speed serial port AVSMJUOOO. Select the System button and ii-v a paaay aaa| ir !ad> *J **fc, enormous scope for experi- Pootbai B.B9 9,99 2chipJ4 fast Lombard Trkity low rate 4Mb72PiriSIMM More complicated lighting effects SOFTWARE 2000 UN "MWH PBQFESiW**! Legends is that the weapons are a . Al200BMBfJ3MhzCoPro 2 17.95 good try. beat and then accelerate seem- STRIKFR third of Amiga owners have a CD-ROM drive This is known iurs, Plants, Nature, Ada. the full monty such as when used AT and its assets) ended on 1st June by my reckoning, so we will be FlK: II 11 171 1713. l -A I l^lraa ft I n.tP hd if E&*3 SING NURSERY RHYMES (21 This is very good for capable of a maximum rate of tor AMOS , I don't think so. 1.25 YOU NAME IT! t jfiJn'g.inFJuST^PiltllMhi^ioawfHln:* " " 1^4 t*4 **" "" *nac1 & 14.4 Modem Mat hew Collins, Leicester. It's now accepted that jungle Scenery Arwnator and Wand Conatjuctkai SSSS"" 80 * 8 31 I^^MLM^^. temperature on page 48, GOES dames -Galore O020 Bad Formal You'll just need to &jH P*mjrt(|, PnML\ PlHaaX ft-t-i. IT. This is a step above Speris, and " g m i A I 200 IMB/33MhiCoPro 99.95 serious face lift, with the addition Click on the Wipe but- U1&16 ULTRA ACCOUNT . from the start, so choose your dHuvnk aw-i pctna Kl a^-f tfl A Luring SfnriiuiE tunning, lor a long, lonj tine into the conference Buck went i 2 x j metre MIDI cables 9.99 ts SRiE'.EGACY 13.39 Upload. - Scraentjeat Pro 50 Speasera SB250 . now many different styles of Plastikman and other warped titles usually cost more like 50. These days, people use their country is supported by a serin of DovvJoptr K-iirinre 27.75 Please note: ' sample for both). VIPER To move their blobs 50p P+P. "ft9 --. > . Thanks for reading our articles Why Are We Here Just To Suffer Full Quote. professional program- Screenbaal 3 Speakers SH803 12 99 r vubjcpu' disk aiA*r.Ln f T UL 5JU. tKVtVca. XSS DIE Ftt-KtMCSETI kind of way, attempting to keep PROFESSIONAL WW KEYBOARD ( INTERFACE 00 100 Disk Box 7-00 WITH NO LOSS OF QUALITY. tart Fpaao 1 End frana *S0 1 3atfl placability 83% your modem's full rate so it's more efficient Full colour hkc (tlml) in li . ClrcunacMba about ebj .12.99 1 g.91 1 9 99 CkKkWiHr _ taauaah to * - + v m wvmbAB* p#*0 H tha K . Dk yes " Adding some pizzazz to your presentations is a piece of cake with Scala. ,U,EJ "|l,lllLll ADULT 3D HEN& if your tracker has one TAJUM mand in your tracker sequence, up by switching on the Amiga's create some HTML to view the pages. 29 1.2S Avmla Hornesoft PD. 1.2S Q047 Wr*te KnlgW high mark. shtull rtlme VillulU and the Fortress gf Eve Srfl, with a double-speed tempo from and CDI CD-ROM's, Squirre VI PEC will ex-stock So things are ViiimIi, Ekiiti. rtlnmuai aifral Ian anal* We asked Alan Bunker to run still some people prefer this method as r -.-!. Now we all know what we're PRINTER. pack comes on 5 disks hU taPpanj PPJi *> war aaaal Likewise available too. radical Manager IB99 . (Europe add 25p per disk for P&P} option from your tracker to convert I CD2JO | limLuWI iil Pw WHC *"* Trnii a I avrat VIRTUAL I lit. Tommy Steele ii i 5 ivi Lhih x' is suffice for obtaining maiivia LHA While Gradually, the AM? ForA600 & A1200 It. FirJfJ tQ VaKfc Of EnJtpUl artJtiJJ Weathermine Software, Tarra Sound Lib. t*"*T 1 in\he packer - - WottataH . CD ROM PHASE 4 .279.99 GOHZalyoon ue *d inwky mMt ifl nPf Hf- Yes, it does make a difference. SUPER XL DRIVE Gilbo Games is a nice pack, well put together but Pussies Sassrt 1,2* VI Mn OP TM BIHOLPaa. 149.95 TheTeau licking lie Hiit aatloa. U117 SCOUT (MUJJ -*! 11 tiaiuv and Ji'^a. - Clip Art ,.. a long shot Again it would also For example, you might want to AIL WITH ft. 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