things i won't work with chlorine trifluoride

What ClF3 can do to an enemy spaceship that a good old atomic bomb can't do? Have fun. After reading this youre probably curious about what possible purpose this chemical could serve that doesnt involve trying to recreate a scene from a Michael Bay movie. Scientists have recommended the RTS,S vaccine for children in sub-Saharan Africa and other high-risk areas to prevent one of the worlds oldest and deadliest infectious diseases. Its production and manipulation would be much more expensive and difficult. Yes - if doused in chlorine trifluoride. But the stuff would make for a great story. Get our latest posts and insights delivered directly to your inbox. All rights reserved. Even the nukes do their job via a nuclear reaction, but that reaction isn't run at our military bases, ships or planes; a projectile starting that reaction when it arrives is used as a weapon instead. Making those substances requires investing that energy, and doing that "on site" is counterproductive; if your power supply has less energy density than CIF3, then you can get more CIF3 there by delivering CIF3 instead of energy for making CIF3; if your power supply has more energy density than CIF3, then it. This is an answer the God Emperor approves of. Its been used in the semiconductor industry to clean oxides off of surfaces, at which activity it no doubt excels. [21] The compound reacts with water-based suppressors and CO2, rendering them counterproductive.[22]. The only known way to store chlorine trifluoride safely, which we use in the loosest possible sense, is to put it inside of a sealed containers made of steel, iron, nickel or copper which are able to contain the chemical safely if theyre first treated with flourine gas. "It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals steel, copper, aluminium, etc. We may earn a commission from links on this page. After it has absorbed a bit, it starts destroying your nerves and bones and can ultimately cause cardiac arrest when it gets into your blood stream. These cookies work by uniquely identifying your browser and device. Although scores of violent detonations have occurred, with resultant demolition of much apparatus, no personal injury has been suffered. Hes worked for several major pharmaceutical companies since 1989 on drug discovery projects against schizophrenia, Alzheimers, diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases. Engagements are likely to take place at pretty extreme ranges, and ships will probably have decent avoidance maneuvers. Ill let the lateJohn Clarkdescribe the stuff, since he had first-hand experience in attempts to use it as rocket fuel. This is because doing so will coat the metal in a thin fluoride layer, with which the chemical wont react. You'll need oxygen and fluorine gases, an inert reaction vessel, and a wretched excess of pure gibbering insanity to attempt such a thing. As I sit here pondering the issue, I wonder about, "what if you have two or three chemicals that, when mixed, produce ClF3? [16] Unlike most of the alternative chemicals used in this role, it does not need to be activated by the use of plasma since the heat of the chamber is sufficient to make it decompose and react with the semiconductor material.[16]. However, by the time it was captured by the advancing Red Army in 1945, the factory had produced only about 30 to 50 tonnes, at a cost of over 100 German Reichsmark per kilogram.a N-Stoff was never used in war.[18][19]. That process, I should add, would necessarily have been accompanied by copious amounts of horribly toxic and corrosive by-products: its bad enough when your reagent ignites wet sand, but the clouds of hot hydrofluoric acid are your special door prize if youre foolhardy enough to hang around and watch the fireworks.. Make sure you don't put anything next to them that you're not comfortable seeing altered - you know, all sudden-like.A reader forwarded this 1943 JACS article, the first comprehensive study of chlorine azide, and it's a joy to read. (Actually, the other runs probably yielded that, too, albeit as a fine haze). To understand why chlorine trifluoride is top of the "avoid at all costs" list, let's rewind to the oxidizing agent part. HDE 226868 is absolutely correct, it would be the height of insanity to use this stuff in space combat but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make one whale of a good story. The diatomic fluorine dissociates into fierce monatomic fluorine, which binds to the oxygen molecules to produce FOOF. Some of this, under ordinary circumstances, might be considered protective equipment. One of the main uses of ClF3 is to produce uranium hexafluoride, UF6, as part of nuclear fuel processing and reprocessing, by the fluorination of uranium metal: The compound can also dissociate under the scheme: In the semiconductor industry, chlorine trifluoride is used to clean chemical vapour deposition chambers. Screen capture done with Camtasia Studio 4.0. . moments. It's the things around them that alter. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Notably tough elements like titanium and tungsten are also regarded as being wholly unsuitable to storing the chemical because they set on fire as soon as they come into contact with it. ClF3 is a very strong oxidizer, specifically a fluorinating agent. All rights reserved. Chlorine trifluoride has been investigated as a high-performance storable oxidizer in rocket propellant systems. Connecting with the enemy ship is the hardest part. Imagine doing that from some ancient battle in a "million-to-one chances happen all the time" Star-Trek-ish sort of way. As a solid, its white. In contrary to chlorine, it would not damage biological tissues. Call me The Terrible, or terry if you like. Things I Won't Work With: Peroxide Peroxides, Things I Won't Work With: Frisky Perchlorates. Derek Lowes commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. It doesn't look much better if your shell breaches the hull in a shallow manner either. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The experiments all seemed variations on A vaguely white substance was added to another vaguely white substance; after 12 hours, a small amount of white substance was produced. An editorially independent blog, all content is Dereks own, and he does not in any way speak for his employer. They isolated the compound chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), which was liquid (check!) Over the years, I've probably had more hits on my "Sand Won't Save You This Time" post than on any other single one on the site. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. If you've seen a shooting star on a recent stargazing jaunt, you've spotted the very beginning of the Orionids meteor shower. only a scrap of plan/data left). Sensory loss has a profound effect on millions of peoples everyday lives. and even more reactive than fluorine (double check!). You may observe the mild reactivity of this gentle substance as it encounters various common laboratory materials, and draw your own conclusions. 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Each mask is provided with a rectangular pane (7 x 3 inches) of shatter-proof glass. These reactions are often violent, and in some cases explosive, especially with flammable materials. It boils at 12 (so that a trivial pressure will keep it liquid at room temperature) and freezes at a convenient 76. Physicists are still trying to solve this mystery. [F-]. . Image by Koisny under Creative Commons license. Of all the dangerous chemical gases, chlorine trifluoride is known to be the most flammable. FOOF is the sound you make when you make some FOOF. Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal. What chance has any oxidizer to compete with the annihilation power scale? Oxidizing agents cause substances to lose electrons. T-shaped molecular geometry. Well, due to the fact that chlorine trifluoride is such a great oxidizer, there have been several attempts to use it as a low-cost, lightweight rocket fuel, starting with the Nazis who tried to use it to propel torpedoes. Thats one of those statements you dont get to hear very often, and it should be enough to make any sensible chemist turn around smartly and head down the hall in the other direction. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. A design to accomplish this could have an armor penetrating exterior, then detonate and scatter a bunch of smaller sealed copper spheres like a shotgun blast that would ideally breach the inner walls and then combust. How to intersect two lines that are not touching. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Overview of the IDLH Value for Chlorine Trifluoride. The real question is whether it's all worth using. Despite being famous for its extreme oxidation properties and igniting many things, chlorine trifluoride is not combustible itself. Dang! Pure fluorine could put the body on self-ignited fire. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. According to eyewitness reports, the chemical burned straight through a foot of concrete and three feet of gravel while simultaneously releasing a deadly cloud of gas containing a cocktail of chlorine trifluoride, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine and hydrogen chloride that corroded every surface it came into contact with. = S = O = H In your notebook, draw the reaction mixture after the reaction has gone to completion, and the sulfur dioxide product has been formed. The molecular geometry of ClF3 is approximately T-shaped, with one short bond (1.598) and two long bonds (1.698). Of course, the enemy can try to destroy the bomb before the reaction has even started, just like missile defense this days tries to stop ICBMs. The space, however, is made of space, lots of it :) So typically, there will be quite a bunch of space between you and your enemy, be it spaceship combat or orbital bombardment. Chlorine trifluoride appears as a colorless gas or green liquid with a pungent odor. He has curated a horrific. Rejoice, in your enemy's gullibility and that you just cut the head off their science division barely getting your own hands dusty. It's just that it may have been a bit too reactive. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2020-124. It only takes a minute to sign up. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Imagine the innumerable failsafes, the unending training, octuple-redundant computer monitoring, and still some idiot (usually the new guy) slips on his own spit and happens to knock off the adamantium valve in one of those "Dang! It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals-steel, copper, aluminium, etc.-because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. Its melting point is -76.34 and its boiling point is 11.75. A big wave constitutes 20 ft or 6. Derek Lowes commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. Physical state. one is included true how it is say theater equal to one by to say theater doesn't belong to this interval so this is incorrect. Or it's just banned by acting rules of engagement. If some ClF3 happens to destroy your enemy, most likely it won't affect you at the same time, since it's all far away, and there's not enough of it to cover the distance. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water-with which it reacts explosively. Would it be possible to use chlorine trifluoride as the payload of an artillery shell? He has curated a horrific collection of nasty poisonous reagents from his own field of organic chemistry, alongside a hellish collection selected from other specializations. We're in space having a battle, one can logically assume that the automation of that process on a small scale inside of a warhead is plausible - possibly not practical, but plausible. The annual Perseid meteor shower is upon us. Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been. Chlorine monofluoride CIF3 is its own oxidizer and so doesn't rely on the atmosphere to burn in that sense, but venting the atmosphere will almost certainly remove all of the CIF3, which is gaseous under normal conditions and would be vented along with the atmosphere. It happens every fall in October or early November, and peak viewing hours are coming soon to skies near you. Well, in case you had any doubt, the gaseous reagent "reacts violently" with sodium metal. 13. If stirring be omitted until the maximum turbidity is attained, the slightest agitation results in a detonation that demolishes the apparatus. This colorless, poisonous, corrosive, and extremely reactive gas condenses to a pale-greenish yellow liquid, the form in which it is most often sold (pressurized at room temperature). Derek Lowe, an Arkansan by birth, got his BA from Hendrix College and his PhD in organic chemistry from Duke before spending time in Germany on a Humboldt Fellowship on his post-doc. the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. In particular, CIF3 would make for perfectly destructive flamethrowers and bombs. At seven hundred freaking degrees, fluorine starts to dissociate into monoatomic radicals, thereby losing its gentle and forgiving nature. According to reports released by the Soviets following WW2, Nazi trials involving substance N were promising. Watch for the fireworks. An explanation of the molecular geometry for the ClF3 (Chlorine trifluoride) including a description of the ClF3 bond angles. The Nazis working in the Falkenhagen Bunker referred to chlorine trifluoride simply as Substance N or N-Stoff and were planning to store it inside specially designed shells which could be used in battle. "Things I Won't Work With" : Chlorine Trifluoride. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. Chlorine pentafluoride (ClF5) has also been investigated as a potential rocket oxidizer. There is nothing that spontaneously produces it. "Another thing I always enjoy in these papers is the list of recommended protective gear. Its been used in the semiconductor industry to clean oxides off of surfaces, at which activity it no doubt excels. Further, there is really little one can do to put out the fires it causes directly other than to let them burn off. [5] Soluble in CCl 4 but can be explosive in high concentrations. .masks and breast-plates of sheet iron worn by observers during times of danger. Chlorine trifluoride ( 01:17) Let's start with what the Germans had in that secret weapons bunker. originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. But chlorine azide has not been weaponized, nor will it be. Gibbs free energy is -123.0 kJ mol -1. How can I make inferences about individuals from aggregated data? Frankly, the more difficult it is (so long as some future tech can automate the process) the more interesting it would be in a book. (An indexing machine is a rotating assembly with work-holders around its periphery that advances the work in steps through a series of stations followed by a pause during which operations at each station are carried out on the Page 12 of 31 Handbook of Advanced Lighting Technology DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00295-8_1-1 # Springer International . Take heed. Required fields are marked *. It is known to ignite sand, asbestos, glass, and even ashes of substances that have already burned in oxygen. . Chlorine trifluoride is a chemical which should only be handled by professionals. within the immediate work area for emergency use where there is a . Ill be lacing mine up if anyone tries to bring the stuff into my lab. Tens of thousands of lives could be saved each year from sickness and death caused by malaria following the World Health Organization (WHO) approval of a first-ever vaccine. Chlorine trifluoride is typically used in nuclear fuel processing, as its converts uranium into gaseous hexafluoride uranium. But it can also kill the people trying to use it as a weapon. . @ozone - it's false. It burned its way through a foot of concrete floor and chewed up another meter of sand and gravel beneath, completing a day that Im sure no one involved ever forgot. Stargazers rejoice! It will also ignite the ashes of materials that have already been burned in oxygen. Cheng 1996. . Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Boyce, C. Bradford and Belter, Randolph K. (1998), "Chlorine trifluoride Compound Summary", National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, "Silicon Etch Rate Using Chlorine Trifluoride", Zeitschrift fr anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, "Cs[Cl 3 F 10 ]: A PropellerShaped [Cl 3 F 10 ] Anion in a Peculiar A [5] B [5] Structure Type", National Pollutant Inventory Fluoride and compounds fact sheet, CDC NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Chlorine Trifluoride, Octamethylene-bis(5-dimethylcarbamoxyisoquinolinium bromide), 2-Ethoxycarbonyl-1-methylvinyl cyclohexyl methylphosphonate,, Articles with dead external links from August 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Chemical articles with multiple compound IDs, Multiple chemicals in an infobox that need indexing, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles containing unverified chemical infoboxes, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2023, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Very toxic, very corrosive, powerful oxidizer, violent hydrolysis, This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 03:14. Answer by Paul Mainwood, Degrees in Physics and Philosophy, Doctorate in Philosophy of Physics, on Quora: I dropped organic chemistry as soon as I could. Once you hit the enemy, the shell must be strong enough to penetrate the hull and deliver the payload. However, if this layer is compromised in anyway, or the metal isnt completely dry, chlorine trifluoride will begin to react violently and cause the vessel to explode. Use a back flow preventive device in the piping. Fluorine is known as the most powerful oxidizing agent out of all the elements in fact, it's so reactive that it turns water into oxygen on contact. If the paper werent laid out in complete grammatical sentences and published in JACS, youd swear it was the work of a violent lunatic. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. (Yes, people have actually done this.) Yes, that stuff that is famously fire-retar Here's what you need to know(updated August 11, 2022). (The challenge with a substance like chlorine azide is finding something that it won't react with violently):Owing to the extreme instablity of the compound accurate determinations of the bioing and melting points have not been made as yet. Take heed. What they'd concocted was chlorine trifluoruide, the most vigorous fluorinating agent known to humanity. But even A. G. Streng chickened out of reacting it with sulfides. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? A few of the other things known to not react with chlorine trifluoride include nitrogen, the inert gases and polychlorotrifluoroethylene. Not really. But we're creating fiction, not documentaries, and the idea of miniaturizing the process using future tech such that we get exactly what you're explaining is wonderful. Or it's used intentionally as a nasty disgusting weapon that people normally don't use to shock the enemy. Nope, it's straight to the Iron Man look. I dropped the wrench and blew up the missile!" And that's at room temperature. and M.D. F00F is also a division bug in intel CPUs of the Pentium class, and dates from 1997. we have: It is, of course, extremely toxic, but thats the least of the problem. Maybe a kamikaze run? Lets put it this way: during World War II, the Germans were very interested in using it in self-igniting flamethrowers, but found it too nasty to work with. The careless. Just to get the ball rolling, heres a few of the more unusual things chlorine trifluoride is known to set fire to on contact: glass, sand, asbestos, rust, concrete, people, pyrex, cloth, and the dreams of children. (A courier ship on a desperate run carrying "plans" fights a desperate battle to protect them, not surrendering, finaly self destructing in a desperate sacrifice yada, yada etc. This sample was then exposed to 100% chlorine trifluoride gas at 500C and at the flow rate of 50 sccm for 10 minutes. Theres a report from the early 1950s (inthis PDF) of aone-tonspill of the stuff. I have to say, not being used to this sort of chemistry, that if I saw these events going on in my fume hood that a series of slight explosions might well take place beneath my iron breastplate. Space requires a lot of energy, so if it's at larger scale than us earthlings going around the Solar system, a spaceship has access to some energy source probably more powerful than nuclear or thermonuclear. The Stupidly Dangerous Chemical Chlorine Trifluoride Can Make Anything Burst Into Flames on Contact, Scientists Have Discovered Enormous Balloon-Like Structures in the Center of Our Galaxy, The Perseid Meteor Shower Reaches its Peak, Neuroprosthetic Sensory Devices are Reconnecting People to the World, World's First Malaria Vaccine Offers Hope to Millions, The Butterfly Effect Is Why It's Impossible to Predict the Weather, Rhnull, the Rarest Blood Type on Earth, Has Been Called the "Golden Blood", Neuroscientists Found The Most Relaxing Song, How to Watch the Orionids Meteor Shower in 2021, The Explorers Club Discovery Expedition Grantees. Chlorine trifluoride, an interhalogen with the formula ClF 3, is all of these things and more. Not sure about sword-chucks, but sword fights. It boils at 12 (so that a trivial pressure will keep it liquid at room temperature) and freezes at a convenient 76. And best played with friends. To anyone asking why anyone would be so idiotic, Dr. Lowe is with you: Elemental fluorine has commanded respect since well before anyone managed to isolate it, a process that took a good fifty years to work out in the 1800s. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water with which it reacts explosively. To illustrate its terribly violent power, take this example from the 1950s. The compound also a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen itself, which also puts it into rare territory. Handling concerns, however, severely limit its use. If you work with the halogen azides, you work with things whose essential character time does not alter. No, elemental fluorine has commanded respect since well before anyone managed to isolate it, a process that took a good fifty years to work out in the 1800s. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. If you could manage to inject an airtight enemy with it, it would work, but otherwise all you get is some minor etching in the split-second before space vacuum "sucks" all your CIF3. Since the war, the compound has been banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention. You may observe the mild reactivity of this gentle substance as it encounters various common laboratory materials, and draw your own conclusions. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. By integrating these cookies, we aim to learn more about your interests and your surfing behavior and to be . In a comment to my post on putting out fires last week, one commenter mentioned the utility of the good old sand bucket, and wondered if there was anything that would go on to set the sand on fire. You just have to stay safe from it before and while you apply it. As an example of the kind of devastation chlorine trifluoride can have, you only need to consider what happened when almost a ton of this stuff was accidentally spilled inside of a warehouse in the 1950s. Derek Lowe, an Arkansan by birth, got his BA from Hendrix College and his PhD in organic chemistry from Duke before spending time in Germany on a Humboldt Fellowship on his post-doc. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. It's a spacious game preserve, that territory, and over the gate is the ornate motto Noli me tangere. Would Chlorosian photosynthesizers produce chlorine or oxygen? 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