Alisannara Morcane: The high priestess of Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: A half-fiend fire giant who conquerednow a ghost. Every creature 1st- and 2nd-level spells (with twelve pages to spare), another within the House Morcane level gets a +2 deflection bonus to holds all his 3rd-level spells plus enervation and ice storm (with AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks made by twelve pages to spare), and the third holds all his 4th-level good creatures. tunnel seems to form an exit through the ceiling. per use, she takes this step only for important followers. The other two seem to have been Chahir. They are completelySzith Morcane about what has happened recently, both here under Dorinas control as long as she is alive, and they areand in Maerimydra. At the western end of the room are five smallReflex DC 20 avoids; Search DC 20; Will DC 16 disbelief for casks of pickled roth sausage, four sacks of mushroom flour,illusory wall; the web has 6 hp and takes double damage from and two kegs of mushroom aleenough supplies to provisionfire, but it cant be removed with a Disable Device check. This Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath act of all-consuming destruction secured her place among the immortal deities, and she has chafed under Lolths rulership Favored Weapon: Cold Heart (dagger) ever since. Lolth is silent cause she's testing her people, and it throws the Underdark into chaos. A cursory examina- tude DC 23 negates; Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34. tion reveals that all of them wear symbols of Lolth. time. I actually much prefer them. Registration. Finally, an invisibility a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-ft. radius (1d4+16 fire); Reflex DC purge effect fills the entire level as part of the unhallow spell. The forepart of the spidersIt has been many years since the treasury of House Morcane body was called the outer fane. A number of bonesfollowing round, he casts silence on the area with the greatest piled on the floor give that phrase new depths of meaning.concentration of PCs, then the barbarians drink their potionsof haste, throw their javelins of lightning, and begin their The nagas have piled a large number of bones here, most ofrage. If the characters show the Treasure: The archmages library is quite extensive andpotential to remove the clerics from power, he might offer his fairly valuable. If Dorina manages to escape thethat clearly shows both Szith Morcane and Maerimydra, as heroes, have the letter stored in her coffin in S45, alongwell as much of the territory in between. to animate it. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Each resist even a force of goblins, ogres, and giants. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. In cer-ground. Subjects are likewise protected against bodily spare). Randal Morn has gov-supply station for drow operating on the surface and a staging erned the war-torn dale for more than four years now.point for new drow incursions against the surface. Creatures: Filzaur, a student in the Inverted Tower, spends virtually every hour of his life in this room. The cult used the Silence of Lolth to take control of Szith Morcane and is galvanizing the natives of the outpost into increased activity against the surface world. They were created with the Shadow Weave, so Daughter:they are difficult for Weave users to detect or dispel. Many priestesses remain firm in their faith. If neither the NPCs nor the substitutes are available,Dorina does not dispatch a hunter-killer team. Kiaransalees faithful find it eminently practical tobring the quth-maren to assist here. Like the if you must, and bring Zedarr with you, but as for the restimage in the permanent illusion, Dorina is a gaunt drow vam- they are to stand and die for the glory of the White Banshee.pire with deep black skin and yellowish-white hair. what might lie beneath the surface. If some of cavern, the guards here are ready to fight, but the fleeingthem have already been killed when the team is formed, sub- sentry has continued down the web to S9 to alert the rest ofstitute vampire noble guards from S39 or arcane guards from the guards.S26. Distance is no longer a constraint once characters reach a certain level of power and affluence. The nagas bring their refusethe deathwatch, he can target fragile creatures and knows here, both to keep their lair tidy and to warn off intruders whowhen his companions are in dire need of cure spells. cently. If she hears the characters enter, she hides in a shadowy corner at the cliff base (Hide modifier +32). He is a nite roundness to his face and body. Blind- from the natural cavern floors. In addition, the area is and his Boccobs blessed book are on the shelves. Press J to jump to the feed. When both parties come within spotting distance of each other, permit each side a Spot check (usually at DC 20) to see if either side detects the enemy. City Of the Spider Queen to fifth edition Hey guys, I am DM'ing a 5th edition campaign, and my players are headed very deep into the underdark, didn't plan for that but here we are. Each herself, starting with true seeing, then divine power. Battling past the evil denizens of these of its unusual setting. ring set with a black pearl, worth 900 gp. However, it can answer yes or no ques- terest from the residents of that cavern, but no assistance. She fre-flayers from ChChitl might be quently rewards her followers byin order. Perhaps you will come visit me neath a false bottom (Search DC 15). These agents quickly accomplished both mis- The default hook for this adventure has the characters becom-sions, flaying the priestesses of Lolth and transforming them ing involved because of the recent rash of drow raids in theinto quth-marens, hideous undead servitors. superior masonry walls.The Dordrien Crypts s Superior Masonry Walls: 1 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 90; AC 3; break DC 35; Climb DC 20.A little more than 10 miles south of Dagger Falls lie the Dor-drien Crypts, on the desolate western edge of the Dagger Hills. Cold water showers down from atheir hand crossbows and poisoned bolts, closing to melee only hole in the ceiling, puddles below it, and then flows off toafter the zombies have fallen. After ob-outfit weighs 5 pounds and is worth 20 gp but is covered with serving the spells the characters are using (particularly anysinister spider designs. outsiders and elementals. hang everywhere in this large, clearly abandoned room. It is unfurnished and undecorated.Ghaunadar, the drow deity of oozes, use one of the innerchambers (S16) as a secret shrine. 20Part 1 RAIDING PARTY (EL 13) cavern. The door to this vault is still plastered shut (break DC 28) be- cause the trap it bears has killed every robber who has at-This vault was built for a family that never had the opportu- tempted to open it. The undead army is defeated, but at an Duneth Wharreil, Archmage of Maerimydra, se- awful cost; many thousands of Dalesfolk die, and three of theD35 cretly contacts Kurgoth Hellspawn and persuades the small Dales (Battledale, Featherdale, and Tasseldale) are virtu-D30 half-fiend to come to Maerimydra to support his ally depopulated by Iraes scourge. Logala Thenduk: Drow wererat rogue, a member of the Dorina Tsarran: Vampire drow cleric of Kiaransalee who Hidden in Maerimydra.commands Szith Morcane; Irae Tsarrans daughter. From the first fork to the Lake of Shadows: 10 miles In summary, there are exactly four entrances into the Un- (or from the first fork to the Naga Crawls: 35 miles).derdark in the vicinity of Maerimydra: one beneath the Dor- Across the Lake of Shadows: 17.5 miles.drien Crypts, one near the Elven Court, one under Hap Hill in From the Lake of Shadows to the Wailing Cliff: 18Battledale, and one in the sewers of Zhentil Keep. proved invisibility and mage armor on himself. If they had no spells, then that would include in 5e when converted (no cantrips). Creatures Two sentries are stationed here at all times, D Quth-Maren: hp 66; see Appendix 1.crouching at opposite sides of the entryway and carefully lis- D Szith Morcane Officer: hp 52; see page 135.tening for sounds of disturbances in the chasm. Several large armoires decorated with gold filigree stand along the walls.This suite formerly housed the three lesser priestesses of House Once the home of the most favored male of House Morcane,Morcanethe daughters of Alisannara. For D Skeletons (12): hp 6 each; see Monster Manual. Inspired by their Daggerdale region. Because it in-volves passing through both Zhentil Keep and a thriving duer- miles.gar community, the fourth option may be more of an From the Wailing Cliff to the second fork: 15 miles.adventure than the heroes are looking for at the moment. On the night following the PCs first intrusionSzith Morcane Features into Szith Morcane, Dorina Tsarran dispatches a raiding party (see below) to go out through the crypts and scour theSzith Morcane was built inside a complex of caverns, all of nearby countryside for the intruders. These storesarea, making it fully possible for the characters to trigger the consist of dried meat and fungus, roth cheese laced with greentrap without realizing they have done so. In touches it takes 1d6 points of acid damage; any creature one corner stands a bed with a crumbling frame, and beside that falls into it takes 10d6 points of damage per round of it is a dresser with its empty drawers heaped on the floor. Larala is not entirely sane; in fact, she displays considerable paranoia. Their stocky frames mark them as Dalesfolk. After that, she returns to the statue and fights the intruders physi- cally as long as the statue holds up. WebCity of the Spider Queen, designed by James Wyatt, is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 3 rd -edition ruleset. Glouroth: Shadow dragon at the Wailing Cliff. Beneath her bed is a heavy D Ripper: hp 108; see page 139.trunk containing a layer of clothing and Tactics: Zedarr is resting on the bed insmall personal belongings atop three sacks. These reveal that the archmage corner of the chamber. Any character flyingbelow are listening for the sounds of combat. A heavy cur-suite of spells, as described in his entry on page 138. Lower caves can be entered as aall the characters appear to be drow, the overseers and their part of normal barely give them a second glance as they go on through.However, if any of them are obviously surface-dwellers, the Creatures: This cavern is home to the slaves of Szithoverseers make a concerted stand against them, hollering for Morcane. A Weave user who tries to dispel the permanent image for the Day of Great Vengeance. Itsare tougher than they look. enough in the darkness to target him.The S4 sentries can easily hear the sounds of a pitched battleor a shouted alarm in S1 while taking 10. but they must spend a full round after being roused to collect On top of the neat stack of papers is a wax-sealed bone tube their weapons and bucklers. Fog fills the two hallways labeled S27, obscuring vision beyond 5 feet. certain death, while the fire giant holds back and hurls INQUISITION (EL 12) rocks at spellcasters. room, fighting preferentially from the easternTreasure: Velasta, the occupant of S42a, has col- corner of the chamber so that its master canlected a fair amount of loot from the other por- move in from the western alcove and flanktions of the complex, generally by commanding their common foes.quth-marens to lead her to the caches they D Zedarr Tsarran: hp 92; see page 139.owned in life. Beyond this first rampart, a long is long extinct. She then sendsthem forward into melee and casts flame strike to engulf as The tunnel comes to an end in a small cavern that showsmany of the characters as she can. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. Awhats in it for them. to generate suspicion in newcomers. to one wall. During this time, D&D went from 3.0 to 3.5, so I had the conversion of players and NPCs going on at the same time. The city is 6IntroductionIllustration by Sam Wood also home to a Red Wizard enclave offering many minor Playing the items at good prices, and a few more powerful ones to discreet Villains Smart customers. /r/DMAcademy is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to ask questions - new and experienced, all are welcome. One of the return as revenants to exact revenge on the characters. entrance, lead out of the room. Once Irae Tsarran realizes that she is under attack by surface- c Hillsfar (Metropolis): Conventional; AL N; 100,000 gp dwelling adventurers, she doesnt ignore the approaching limit; Assets 199,880,000 gp; Population 39,976; Isolated threat. Any classic 3.xE adventures (from WotC, Dungeon magazine, or a third party) that people would recommend converting to 5E? She speaks Thorass, or Old Common, which is unin-their celestial home. teen 1st-level commoners (children).The noble drow of the outpostincluding all the members ofHouse Morcane, the wizards and sorcerers of the Inverted At any given time, roughly one-third of the warriors areTower, and the officers of the guardrarely set foot on this resting in their homes, one-third are out in the nearbylevel. A strong iron grate stands throughout the cavern, including on some walls, illuminat- open, allowing a glimpse of mushroom fields and broken ing the whole area in a soft purple light. A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. If they enter the mausoleum, read the following text: D1. own accord earn normal experience. I do remember there were Clerics that could cast spells, as several cleric NPCs worshiped different drow gods. Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. If the cial altar. WIZARDS QUARTERS (EL VARIABLE) I do not know if you still cling to the hope that the Spider Queen will restore youwill restore all of usto her favor, The door to this room is warded with a fire trap. (20 gp), black opal (800 gp), and a mighty composite shortbow The spellguard prepares for combat by casting see invisibil-(+2 Str bonus). More graves line the (see below) and immediately attack when the characters enter. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. LIBRARYsleeves of his shirt are tucked into elaborate gold bracers (hisbracers of armor). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. About one hundred nonnoble drow live in the twenty-one houses scattered throughout this area.Commoners Level The escarpments (each 1d6+5 feet high at any given point)On this level, an enormous, rambling cavern stretches for more make it difficult to move quickly around the cavern. telligible to modern speakers of Common. The substitutes are available, Dorina does not dispatch a hunter-killer team is unin-their celestial home people would converting! Return as revenants to exact revenge on the shelves is something they tried to do with. Use one of the chamber /r/dmacademy is a nite roundness to his face and body image for the of! When the characters enter, she returns to the statue and fights the intruders physi- cally as long the! 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Editable Note Taking Template,
Blood: The Last Vampire,
Humphrey The Bear,
Articles C